free de la hoya → ice cream.

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"Go, Shoot!"

B/N was sent into the stadium, faster than ever.  While Fafnir was wobbling, because it was hand spun.

Let me explain what was happening.

Y/N L/N was attempting to enter BC Sol, one of the most powerful Beyblading teams in the world.

She wanted to show Christina and the others that even though she was a female, she was strong.

That's when Free, Free de la Hoya, came in.

Now they were battling to see how strong Y/N actually was.

Resuming into the battle, Y/N was confused how a wobbly Bey would lead this young teenager to be the strongest Blader in the world.

"Knock it out in one go, B/N!!" Y/N yelled.

Free just kept looking at the female and not the battle.

She had shining H/L, H/C hair, with E/C eyes that could lighten up the room. She was pretty in Free's eyes.

He was interrupted by the sound of a Bey bursting.

Free looked down in the stadium seeing that there was a Bey laying in three pieces, while one spun rapidly in the center.

"Burst Finish, Free de la Hoya wins by 2 to nothing!"

Y/N fell to her knees. She failed. She failed herself. She failed B/N. Tears began to fill the corners of her eyes.

But then, she saw a hand, offering to take hers. And that's what she did.

She got up, now looking at Free's dark eyes.

Christina walked up to Y/N, a smile on her face, ignoring Trad telling her not to do whatever she was doing.

"Y/N, welcome to BC Sol."

Y/N gasped in shock.

"But... I lost." Y/N replied.

"You've shown me what you can do. But I want to see more of that. You held up your battle with Free for a good ten minutes. It was impressive."

Free's eyes widened. He's been staring at Y/N for ten minutes?!

"Free, do you mind taking Y/N to one of the empty rooms?" Christina asked.

Free snapped back into reality and did what he was told.

The two walked down the hallway, in silence.

Y/N wasn't the type to not have silence, so she tried to improvise on a friendly conversation.

"So, you're Free de la Hoya, right?"

Free was (unfortunately) returned to reality.


Free was getting nervous, so he decided to just drop her off in a random room and run away.

"Here's your room, bye."

Y/N was shoved in a random room and the door was slammed shut after her.

"Umm... okay then?"


Its been 6 months since Y/N is in BC Sol. And she has started developing feelings for the leader of the top team of BC Sol.

And the captain isn't any other person besides Free de la Hoya.

Even though how they met was a little awkward, she found him pretty nice to hang out with even though he might fall asleep any moment. She was afraid that Free would never accept her feelings, so she kept them a secret.

It was an ordinary day. Free and Y/N were hanging out like themselves.

Free said he'd take her to the park to get some ice cream. And Y/N obviously said yes.

Not because her crush asked her out. It was just for the ice cream.

Now, Free and Y/N were sitting under a tree, eating their treats.

Y/N was eating rapid fire, while Free took his time, letting the ice cream melt.

Now is the time, Free thought.

He looked over to Y/N who had already finished her ice cream, but still had some on her face. He blushed slightly at the sight.

Free reached over to her face, with a napkin in hand.

"Umm... Free??" Y/N asked, a blush forming on her face.

"Don't move." Free replied.

Free wiped the remaining ice cream off her face. When he was done, he left Y/N speechless. She felt like she was going to faint.

"Free?" Y/N asked.

Free looked away. "Yeah?"

Y/N was doubtful of this, but she was doing it. She gently grabbed Free's face, and leaned in.

Their lips met.

Free was shocked at first. A few seconds later, he deepened the kiss.

It went for a good 2 minutes.

They parted for air, and they smiled softly at each other.

"I love you." Free whispered.

"I love you too." Y/N replied, smiling. "Now, let me eat your ice cream if you're not going to eat it."

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