kurenai shu → eyes. part ii.

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{ soulmate au - the world you live in is black and white, but the only color you can see is the color of your soulmate's eyes. full color vision is available once you hold hands with your soulmate. }

⚠️ trigger warning - mentions of suicide, domestic + verbal violence ahead ! !



The color of passion, love, roses. To Y/N's eyes, it was the loveliest color in the whole rainbow. It was her absolute favorite color. It was the color of her favorite dress, her mom's hair, and most importantly... It was the color of her soulmate's eyes.

Red was also the color she hated the most. It was the color of blood and pain. She saw red dripping from her mother's wounds almost every day, along the the dripping red liquid from her father's fists. It was the color she saw when she tried to get rid of the pain. However, his eyes always comforted her, and it made red her favorite color again.

Kurenai Shu. The Beyblade prodigy, with eyes of ruby and a heart of gold.

Just glancing at his eyes were enough for Y/N to forget all of her problems, her worries melted away just being in his presence.The rich shade of garnet she always looked forward to seeing at school made the pain worth it. 

But what wasn't worth it was seeing those eyes in her direction. 

They were never in Y/N's direction. Not even once. 

Not even when they had to sit next to each other in almost every class, or when they bumped into each other and were forced to give each other a 'sorry.' 

Except that one time. 

"Crap! I'm late!" Y/N ran at full speed through the halls as soon as she realized that she was running late for her math class. First her locker wouldn't open, she forgot her English homework at home, and now this. 

This day just can't get any worse, Y/n thought, tears welling up in her eyes, not letting her see for a moment. 

As she was trying to wipe her eyes, she didn't notice the albino walking in front of her and crashed into him, making both of them fall onto the ground with a large thud. 

Y/N flushed as soon as she opened her eyes. All she could see was the albino under her, his eyes squeezed shut, and she lost it when she saw the position both of them were in; the female was hovering above him, with her right leg in between the male's legs. She immediately scrambled away from him, muttering 'sorry' over and over again as she gathered her papers. 

"It's okay..." Shu opened his eyes as he slowly got up, "Y/N. That's your name, right?" His eyes went up to meet Y/N E/C orbs.

Finally, they were in her direction.

Y/N nodded shyly, blushing at seeing the eyes she found so much comfort in. "U-Uh, here... Let me help," Y/N extended her hand towards him. Shu seemed to have hesitated a little, but he grabbed it and both of them were suddenly blinded by a sudden explosion of color. 

They both looked around as they saw different colors. They didn't see black and white, or red and E/C anymore. They could see the vibrant colors that were used in the school's lockers, floor, and uniforms. It was almost too good to be true. 

Y/N looked at the male, as he looked at her. Y/N was happy to know that her long-time crush was her soulmate, but something was off when she looked in his eyes.

She saw disappointment. Nothing but disappointment and guilt.

"Hey, you bitch! What are you doing with my boyfriend?" Shu's girlfriend, Jiu, rushed towards him and hugged his arm. "If you know what's good for you, leave! I don't want my boyfriend to be around ugly and stupid whores like you!" 

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