clio delon → scares.

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You opened the door to a terrified Cooza. You saw that Cooza's hair was jutting everywhere, he looked exhausted, and his eyes were dancing, looking everywhere, as if he was scared.

"What." You responded blankly. Your E/C eyes were dull with boredom. You hoped that whatever caused Cooza to be scared would entertain you. But you've seen your brother this scared before. When Clio...

...No. He's in France right now. It isn't possible that he's here.

"C-C-Clio is b-back-"

You couldn't believe it. Your eyes lit up and you grabbed his shoulders. Your lips were curled in a smile. "Where is he??" You asked him desperately.

"He's outside, w-where he-" You didn't let him speak again. "Yeah yeah, where he scared you. I know!! I'll be back later!" You said as you sprinted out of the door, your H/C hair following you.

You were excited to see him. You haven't seen him in years. You were friends with him ever since you two were little, and you were also a witness of Clio cutting Cooza into thirds.

You chuckled at the thought, and wondered what other fun things would happen today. But you liked Clio. He didn't know though. His gray hair, orchid eyes, little fangs, everything. He was really cute and fun to hang out with.

You were out of the gates of BC Sol, and you saw the most adorable vampire bean you could ever have seen.

"Clio!" You yelled at him, which grabbed his attention immediately.

"Y/N~! Fancy seeing you here!" Clio beamed. His cheeks were the softest shade of pink possible. You tackled him in a hug, which made the both of you fall on the ground, which was followed by laughter.

"Scared Cooza, huh?" You smiled at the vampire. "Oh, you know me too well~" Clio replied. You got off of him and sat on the ground.

"I'm bored." Clio breaks the silence you two shared. Your lips cracked into a smile as you got up. "Of course you are. What do you wanna do?" You asked him, giving him your hand to help him get up.

"How about..." Clio said, taking your hand as he got up, "Scare Cooza again? Just like the old times!" He now said grabbing both of your shoulders, offering a smile.

Scaring your brother is fun.

"Yeah! But how though?" You asked, tilting you head in a questioning manner. Clio giggled, and you swore that you saw the faintest blush on his pale cheeks.

"Oh, you'll see."


You two hid behind some bushes, so you could see Valt and Cooza, as they were chatting, stalker style.

But you weren't stalking. Not exactly. It was part of the plan.

But as you guys were heading to the bushes, Clio looked nervous. Which is really weird for a laid-back person like him. You asked him if he was okay, and he said he was fine.

"Clio, for the millionth time, are you okay?" You asked him, concerned. He was shaking right now. "Y-Y/N, I need to tell you something..?" His statement came out as a question.

This wasn't good at all.

"What is it?" You asked. Clio looked like he was going to explode or something, because his face was extremely red.



You blushed furiously seeing that Valt was the one who screamed. You looked over at Clio, who practically fainted out of embarrassment.

You stood up, and you were really angry, ready to kill Valt.

Valt laughed nervously, and ran, grabbing Cooza by the wrist, dragging him away from you.

They could also be a cute couple too, you thought, putting a hand on your chin, smiling. "Y-Y/N...?" Clio's voice rang through your ears, and you looked over to him.

There were some dirt and leaves in his hair, but everything about him was the same. Except his eyes were filled with worry and sadness.

You went over to him, and embraced him in a warm hug. He hugged back, a smile on his face.

"I like you too." You absentmindedly replied.

"I'm happy to hear that~" Clio sang as he kissed your forehead.

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