shirasagijou lui → stare.

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You have a crush on Lui Shirasagijo.

Yes, that guy who scarred Shu's eye and has GIANT eyebrows. And we can't forget about his shark teeth.

But beneath that cruel, mean, surface, he's a somewhat nice guy. You've known him since preschool, and you're the only person who knows the other side of him, besides Gou.

What was the other side of him like? Well, it's technically the same Lui we all know, but he's a little more emotional and kinder.

He always protected you, defended you, and cared about you. You have to admit, this side of him was growing on you, you really liked it.

And that's when the feelings started to grow inside you. You saw him as someone to look up to, and plus he was quite handsome as well.

It was a regular day. Since Gou gave everyone in Rideout a day off, you and Lui decided to catch up on life while you two walked around Beigoma. It was just you and Lui, and the idea alone made your heart flutter.

You two were now walking aside a riverbank in the park. It was autumn, your favorite time of the year.

You stopped, and Lui stopped too. You two took in the appearance of the park.

Vibrant shades of orange, red, and yellow decorated the landscape, with precious colored leaves cascading from the trees every minute or two. The breeze was cool, making the trees sway back and forth. The sight was breathtaking.

You looked at him while you had the chance.

His beautiful violet eyes were staring ahead. His gaze was hard, but a little softer compared to his gaze when be battled in tournaments. A light wind went through his light blue hair. He was the boy of your dreams, without a doubt.

"Hey, Y/N! You're staring at me like an idiot. Are you okay or something?" Lui snapped.


You snapped back in reality. A strong shade of red started crawling on your cheeks. He definitely caught you red-handed.

"N-N-Nothing!! I'm totally f-fine!!" You wanted to drown yourself in that river bank so hard for stuttering. Good thing Lui was oblivious to when someone stuttered. He bought it.

"Tch." Lui responded, settling his eyes once more on the landscape.

You forced your eyes on the river bank, trying hard not to look at Lui like an idiot again. If you stared at him again, he would definitely do something bad.

"Y/N." Lui interrupted the silence after five minutes.

"What?" You responded.

"You might be too stupid to understand what I'm gonna say, but I like you." The male said bluntly.

"I-Uh..." You were really confused as a strong blush crept up your cheeks. Out of all of the girls, he chose you? He was probably pranking you or something.

"I said I like you!" Lui said, as he grabbing the collar of your shirt and pulled you into a kiss.

The kiss was short, but it was sweet. You felt like you were dreaming, being in Lui's arms.

He pulled away, with a light blush on his cheeks. On the other hand, you were a blushing mess.

"You're mine." He said, looking back at the riverbank. The only difference now was that he was holding your waist tightly.

"I know." You replied, placing your head on his shoulder. Now you could stare at him all you want. And that's what you planned to do the rest of the afternoon.

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