cooza x levani (oc) → friend.

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have a random jimin meme :D


i shall include my precious son cooza bc he is precious and should be loved

im shipping him with @China_Aoi shhhhhh


Valt was currently dragging his twin sister, Levani, into the building of BC Sol. He wanted her to visit, and because he had a plan.

He wanted Levani to meet his friend, Cooza. Once they got comfortable with each other, Valt would start doing evil things so Levani and Cooza could date.

He thought the two as a couple would be cute. So why the heck not.

"But Vaaaaalt," Levani complained, dragging the "a" in her brothers name. "I don't wanna! What if he thinks I'm weird or something?" She pouted.

Valt stopped dragging her and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't be silly. He's gonna adore you! Just you wait and see!" He resumed his act of dragging Levani to Sisco's dorm room he shared with Cooza.

Valt positioned Levani outside the door, where no one would see her. "Wait here, okay?" He asked. His twin sister nervously nodded. "Okay." Valt smiles and placed his hand on the door knob, about to open the door.

Just as he opened the door, Cooza's bird, Carl, flew out the room. And into Levani's direction.

"Hey, Carl, stop!" An unfamiliar voice rang through Levani's ears, stopping the bird from flying into her face. A boy with dark brown spiked hair ran into Levani, bumping into her, and both of them fell into the ground.

Another unfamiliar person appeared in the scene. A guy, who looked older than Valt or the stranger. He had green spiked hair, with a yellow strip of hair than was shaped like a lighting bolt. The green-haired guy started to laugh.

The person who ran into Levani got off her, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so so so so so so so sorry! Here, let me help you up!" The stranger held out a hand, and she took it, and got off the ground.

Now that she has a better view of the guy, she realized that he was pretty cute. His tanned face had three stripes of turquoise face paint, and he had a pair of gorgeous golden eyes that were filled worry.

"Thanks." Levani smiled, a blush crossing her face. The guy smiled.

"I'm Cooza, Cooza Ackerman. I'm a member here of BC Sol. What's your name?" Cooza asked.

"Her name is Levani, and she's my twin sister!" Valt interrupted and smiled. Cooza's eyes lit up.

"Oh, so you're the person Valt was talking about non-stop!" Cooza smiled.

Valt talked about me? Levani thought, as her blush went a little brighter.

"Y-Yeah, I am." She smiled.

"Well, I'm off. Enjoy yourselves, lovebirds," The green-haired male grumbled and walked away.

"Lovebirds? Lovebirds your face!" Cooza shouted back. Levani looked down in embarrassment, and saw that their hands were still holding each other. She stepped away to get rid of the grip, even though her hand was greeted by the cold.

She longed for the warmth of his hand now.

"Anyways, who is that guy?" Levani asked.

"That's Sisco Carlisle, my roommate. He's really boring." Cooza told her. She laughed.

Valt smirked. "Erm, I gotta go talk to Sasha and Kitt and Honey, so see you in an hour!" Valt ran off.

His plan was working.

Cooza and Levani stood there, staring awkwardly at each other.

"Come on, let's take a walk." Cooza grabbed her arm, walking out to the door, while dragging Levani.

She was practically a human strawberry.

But without the seeds and the leaves on their heads or whatever–

"I-Uhm..." She was a little hesitant about this. But Cooza's mesmerizing golden eyes that were looking into her caramel ones stopped her.

"It'll be fun, I promise." He softly smiled. He stopped dragging her.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt..." She returned the smile. He smiled again.

"Cool! I want to show you a trick I just mastered on a balance beam!" He resumed dragging the female.

A balance beam...?

He's going to be a great friend... She thought.


Okay so


I was really inspired by this so I wanted to do this one as soon as possible so

That's why it came out so early


Vote and comment~

And bai YA

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