shirasagijou lui → admire.

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"Valt, help me!" You pleaded Valt, as he was polishing his new Valkyrie. He hummed in response, interested in your request.

"What's up, N/N?" He asked, and you held up your launcher. "I need practice! And who else is better to practice with than the best Blader in the world?"

"Ha, you're right, Y/N!" Valt scratched the back of his neck. "Let's get started!"

You were going to compete in the finals of the Longinus Cup, and your opponent was none other than Akaba Aiga. You were highly honored to battle him, but according to Valt, Aiga was as strong as him.

Aiga was very strong, I suppose.




"Go, Shoot!"

Both you and Valt launched your Beys in the stadium, and there wasn't any time for stalling. B/N already headed towards the Chouzetsu Bey, and missed by nearly a fraction of a centimeter.

Winning Valkyrie spun rapidly towards the wall, aiming for his popular Jet Shoot. The blue Bey hit the wall, and doubled up in speed, now hurtling towards B/N.

"Valkyrie!" Valt yelled out, a blue aura exploding over his figure, "burst it!"

"B/N! Show them who's the real winner!" A F/C aura surrounded you, as your Bey shone in the aura as well.

The two Beys collided, causing a strong wind and a blinding light. You covered your eyes so any debris wouldn't fall into your eyes.

The light and wind diminished. Both B/N and Valkyrie were still standing strong, spinning around in full speed.

"This isn't over! B/N, use Upper Flip!" You instructed, as B/N went straight for the wall.

"Y/N, you messed up! Your Bey will Burst!" Valt smirked. You laughed, "you don't know me, Valt!"

B/N hit the wall and bounced up, leaving a streak of F/C light behind. Once gravity did its thing, B/N began to hurtle towards Valkyrie like a meteor.

"B/N! Full Power!" You screamed.

Valkyrie didn't have time to change its trajectory before B/N hit its layer, and the F/C Bey bounced back as Valkyrie Burst.

Valt stood there, shocked. You grew even more stronger than he remembered. He smiled as he picked up the three pieces of his Bey. He secured them into his palm, "you did good, partner." He spoke softly to Valkyrie.

"You did really well, Y/N! When did you make this plan?" He asked. You picked up, B/N.

"It took a few days. I spent a while researching about Winning Valkyrie and Z Achilles, and made different strategies for each of Achilles' modes, and figured to try out the Attack strategy, since that mode is similar to yours. And since Aiga has the same launching techniques as you, I figured you'd be handy for training." You smiled. Valt stood there, processing the information.

He was quite confounded, and made a face as if he understood everything you just said. "That was a great plan, N/N! I'm so proud of you!" He took your hands into his.

"Thanks, Valt! Should we train a bit more?"

"Sounds great, Y/N!"


"Okay, boys and girls! Today we got a heated match in store for you, the Longinus Cup Finals! Let's see the two Bladers who got this far!"

"The dynamite girl who has won every single match without breaking a sweat, L/N Y/N!" The door opened with a poof of smoke, revealing you with a nervous smile.

"And the boy who appeared out of nowhere and is confident of winning every battle, Akaba Aiga!" The doors revealed the maroon-haired male with a giant, confident smirk, like always. You knew this boy was confident as hell, it was time for that to change.

As soon as you got to the Beystadium, you felt a sharp glare in your direction that came from the crowd. You saw none other than Goshuin Suou, with the left side of his face revealed, with a deadly glare and a smirk plastered on his face.

You see, you were his opponent for the semi finals, and you seemed to win out of sheer luck. A fluke, Suou would've said. You knew he wanted to battle his mentor, Lui, but you wanted to battle the firehead more.

Because maybe or maybe not you has a tiny crush on him?

You shook the thoughts off your head as you concentrated on the battle. Once the referee announced the first round, you got into you position, analyzing Aiga's. He seemed to be going for his usual mo-

Aiga moved something in his launcher, he changed Achilles to its Tall Mode. He was looking forward to a Z Breaker.

You tilted your launcher upwards, going for Upper Flip. You were ready for anything.


"L/N Y/N wins with a Burst Finish, making her win the match against Akaba Aiga." The referee extended his hand to signal towards you, announcing you as the winner.

"Yes! We did it, partner!" You clutched B/N, happy that you won.

"Hey." Aiga walked over to you, extending his arm. "That was a good match. You deserve it." He gave a faint smile. You took his hand, shaking it.

"Thanks! You did great, too!" You smiled cheekily.

The audience went silent as a maniacal laugh came from the entrance of the stage. The laugh belonged to none other than Shirasagijo Lui.

"I have to say, I'm impressed!" Lui chuckled. "Especially for a girl beating someone as good as me. Let's see if you can beat me!" Lui laughed again.

You weren't mad, even with the sexist comment. His laugh was everything for you. Butterflies flew madly in your stomach.

"I'll be sure to do that!" You showed B/N to Lui. He smirked, and walked away.

"Wait!" You yelled, reaching out for the blue-haired male. He turned around, with a annoyed sneer on his handsome face.

"What do you want?" He snapped and crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. You faltered a bit, you did before you thought, again.

"I-I," you stuttered, "I really admire you! That's why I managed to earn this battle against you!" You shouted out, grabbing Lui's attention.

His eyes seemed to soften, but not too much, and he blushed ever so slightly. His gaze hardened back to normal. He smirked. "Let's see if that petty determination helps you win!" He cocked his head to the side.

"Of course it will! I want to win more than anyone would want to!" You made eye contact.

"The future's already decided," he sneered. Walking past you, he left, but not before he whispered someone in your ear that made your heart explode.

"You. Me. Tomorrow, at the park. Let's see how much you admire me."


{ unedited }


hope y'all missed me lmao
nah y'all probably didn't but that doesn't matter ahEM

i'm back for the summer, and i'll try to update as much as i can, since i have a busy summer planned

and guess who's gonna study medicine next year ;DD
woah i'm not going to college but this high school offers a class for medicine so yEeT

and also next year and the years after that are gonna be hardcore so when we get back in school don't expect me to update as much as i didn't a year ago
ah remember those good days where i updated everyday? ((:

anyways imma finish these requests as soon as i can and open me back up soo uh yeah

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