kurogami daina → luck.

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Y/N smiled as she walked away from her lonely neighborhood and into the city, enjoying the sunshine that beamed on her face. It was a great day for the H/C-haired female.

Children walked and played with their parents and friends, teenagers were heading to the mall, and some people shouting "Go, Shoot!" could be heard in the distance.

Y/N already had some plans for the day, and her priority was visiting Daina. She was totally in the mood to pester the male nonstop for the afternoon.


Just saying his name made the female blush and feel butterflies in her stomach. She enjoyed the thought of the black-haired male. Maybe too much.

She met the holder of Deathscyther back in kindergarten, and have been friends ever since. As they grew up, her feelings for him grew too.

Y/N shook the thoughts about him away, and kept on walking towards his house, optimistic that her day would be good, no matter what.

Her F/C shoes clicked against the sidewalk, as she skipped along the sidewalk, but she tripped and fell. Pearls of blood formed and dropped to the sidewalk from her knees like quicksilver.

Bad luck, she thought, but she brushed that aside. She got up, brushed the blood away, and kept on walking. But, what she didn't know was that dark grey clouds started brewing, and the sky got dark.

Bad luck was coming to Y/N like a rainstorm. Literally.


Y/N was anxious to see Daina, especially because she was now only a block away from the boy's house. Of course, she would've gotten there quicker if she didn't trip and injure her knee, but that didn't stop her.

The clouds in the sky looked blacker than ever, and seemed to be a bomb, exploding any second. Y/N was oblivious to the upcoming weather, and continued walking.


A single droplet of water fell on Y/N's head. The girl didn't pay attention and brushed it away. As if the rain wanted to grab her attention, more droplets fell on her head, until the water was pounding on her head and clothes, soaking her.

She started running, now close to her destination. What didn't help was that the rain seemed to follow her. When she was just a few steps away from Daina's door, Y/N slipped on the wet pavement, making her fall again.

Blood dropped from her knees again, turning the cement into a pinkish color, as the pavement absorbed the blood from the soaking H/C-haired female.

Y/N yelped in pain, and from the feeling of the cold water hitting her continuously.

This grabbed the attention of a certain black-haired male from his house. He looked out of his window, seeing if it was a stray cat or something. He was shocked to see Y/N, soaked, bleeding and crying.

The boy ran outside, forgetting what an umbrella was, and ran to Y/N, who continued crying in his arms.

"Who did this to you, Y/N?" Panic laced into Daina's words. Y/N hiccuped, trying to speak, but she couldn't.

"I-I.." Y/N voice started, only to be interrupted by Daina picking her up, bridal style.

"I'll bring you inside, and then we can talk." Daina's cheeks flushed ever so slightly. Y/N closed her eyes and nodded.



Y/N sat on the couch, covered in a blanket and sipping from the warm cup of tea that Daina made for her. She sat away from the male, refusing to look into his lovely dark eyes.

"Y/N, what happened out there?" Daina asked quietly. The tone of his voice sounded so caring, Y/N couldn't help but blush.

"I was walking over to your house, and I fell and my knees got hurt and the storm came I didn't know, and I fell again and hurt my knees more, it's all my fault I should've checked the weather-" Y/N stopped talking, since she was rambling nonstop, maybe she sounded annoying.

Daina chuckled lightly, "bad luck, I guess?" He had a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah," Y/N looked down at the floor, eyes trained on her feet.

In the blink of an eye, she felt something pressing against her lips, she opened her eyes to see Daina, kissing her.

It was all over when it started. The two teens were now blushing, infernos appearing on their cheeks.

"I hope that can change the bad luck," Daina rubbed the back of his neck, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I think it did."

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