ruwei sun → friends.

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"Hey, Xhaka!!" Y/N smiled through the screen. The red headed giant showcased his array of sharp teeth back at the female.

"Heya, Y/N! How you doing?" He asked, leaning closer to the screen. She giggled, wanting to reveal the surprise that was for Xhaka.

You see, Xhaka left Japan to go to a Beyblade team all the way in Brazil. Y/N was in college already, only at 16, and she got a scholarship to a fancy school in Brazil, meaning she could see Xhaka more.

"I'm good, especially because I'm going to Brazil!" She clapped her hands, smiling. Xhaka gasped and smiled, clearly surprised.

"Really?!" He asked, eyes sparkling. He's so precious oh my god—

"Mhm!" Y/N nodded, "I'm flying in tomorrow!" Xhaka giggled. "I'm so excited! You'll get to meet my friend, Ruwei!" He smiled.


The name rang a bell in her mind.

"Ruwei? As in Ruwei Sun? Member of the Big Five?" Y/N started fangirling. The female always admired famous Bladers, especially when it came to the five most strongest Bladers in the world.

"Yep," Xhaka reassured. "I bet he's gonna love you!" Y/N flushed at the thought. Her being friends with Ruwei? It would be a dream come true, but-

"I hope so! Anyways, I gotta go! My flight leaves tomorrow!" Y/N said as she saw her untrustworthy roommate open the door. The last time her roommate saw who she was talking to during a video call, who was Shu, she shoved Y/N off the chair and talked to him for five hours. Good thing Shu was polite, but it looked like he wanted to slap the girl so badly.

"Holy, Y/N, you know a lot of cute boys," she told Y/N after.

"Okay byeee-" Xhaka's farewell was cut off as Y/N closed her laptop. The nosy roommate, whose name was Mikan, closed the door after her, and sat on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed they shared.

"So you're leaving tomorrow, huh?" She smiled sadly. Y/N nodded, silently questioning why Mikan was being nice and polite all of a sudden.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot, Y/N! Even if we didn't talk much, I liked you a lot," Mikan giggled while playing with a strand of her hair.

"Same goes for me," Y/N offered her roommate a smile, which she returned.


"Xhaka!!" Y/N ran up to the red head, hugging him, or more like his waist. But hey, hugging your best friend's abs was totally better than trying to avoid your 50 year-old plane seat buddy who tried to violate your intimate space 20 times.

"Y/N! It's good to see you in person after such a long time!" He ruffled the H/C-haired female's hair. "I also brought a friend with me, hope you don't mind," Xhaka said while wiggling his eyebrows as the much smaller female.

Y/N's eyes searched for the surprise guest, and her eyes landed on none other than Ruwei. Freaking. Sun.

"You brought Ruwei here?!" Y/N whispered to Xhaka, elbowing him. He chuckled lightly. "Of course I did, he said he wanted to meet you."

Y/N tried to fight the blush threatening to rise up to her cheeks, and offered her hand towards Ruwei. "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm L/N Y/N, I hope that we can get along!"

Ruwei's gaze was hard as stone. It didn't seem that he was as pleased as Y/N to meet her, but took her hand showing no emotion and shook it politely. Y/N blushed at the contact.

"It's nice to meet you too, Y/N. My friend Xhaka has talked a lot about you." Ruwei said, emphasizing the 'my friend' part. Y/N noticed it, but didn't dare to show a hint of anger at the male. "Xhaka told me a lot about you too!! He said you're really good at Beyblading and that you're part of the Big Five! It's such an honor to meet you!" Y/N blushed more as she caught herself fangirling about the person in front of her.

Ruwei stayed silent with an awkward expression on his face, blushing a bit at the fact that he had a fan. A cute one, to be exact. Y/N noticed his expression, and that's when she knew that she fucked up.

I pulled a Valt, she mentally face palmed at the thought.

"Anyways," Xhaka interrupted the awkward silence while carrying all of the female's luggage, which was a lot, without breaking a sweat, "let's get you to SB Rios, and we'll get you situated with a room to stay in before you go to college."


Y/N walked out of the dojo quietly so she wouldn't wake anyone up. It was a habit of hers to wake up in the middle of the night and walk out of her dorm, reflecting on what happened during her day, and how she could be a better person.

Ever since she came to Brazil, she simply felt like she wasn't welcome. She felt stared at whenever she trained with Xhaka, and she thought that Ruwei didn't like her, since he didn't talk to her during the day.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of a male yelling out "Go, Shoot!" followed by the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Y/N got up from the rock she was sitting on and went to see what caused the noise. All she saw was Ruwei sitting on the ground in front of a Beystadium, panting. Y/N tried to hide, but the male was too good at detecting people.

"Y/N, what are you doing this late?" Ruwei got up and walked over to the female. Y/N got up, trying to hide her blush.

"N-Nothing!! Just going for a night walk, you know?" The female moved her arms and legs as if she was walking. Ruwei raised an eyebrow.

"Okay then," he sat down, and nodded towards the female so he could sit next to him. Ruwei starad at the moon quietly, not even blinking.

"Y/N?" Ruwei's voice came out soft, facing the female. Y/N hummed, looking at the sky, waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry," the male responded, looking down, "I was so surprised that Xhaka had a friend that seemed to be better than me, that I ended up not wanting to be your friend.

"But I realized my mistake, none of this was your fault, so let me start over and let me be your friend." Ruwei literally recited an essay in attempts to fix things between them, and it seemed that Y/N didn't pay attention, but she did.

"Let's be friends!" Y/N suddenly stood up, extending a hand towards Ruwei, offering a handshake. Ruwei smiled, and took her hand, standing up as well.



{ unedited }

o boy this was longer than i thought smh


back from hiatus

ready to rumble

my phone is cracked but still writing on it yknow
i tried using my laptop but ended up only writing 300 words on it because my fingers are used to write on a phone yeet

how are y'all doin
lemme know in le comments ;00

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