sisco carlisle → better.

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Context - Takes place in the Beyburst God setting! Free is still the best Blader in the world during this one shot. <3


"You're so funny, Free!"

Sisco flinched at hearing his girlfriend laughing with another guy. Y/N was hanging out with Free de la Hoya too much lately. And it pissed him off, a lot.

He couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Free. He was good-looking, athletic, had a nice personality (if you were really close with him, that is), and he was the best Blader in the world. What else could a girl or guy or anyone in general want? And what made him worried is that Free seemed to be enjoying Y/N's company a little too much.

It made him Sisco like he wasn't enough for her, and he hated the feeling. He didn't want Y/N to be angry at him for telling her to stop socializing with her best friend, but she needed to back away from Free a bit.

"So Free, what do you wanna-"

"Y/N. Can we talk for a sec? Just you and me." Sisco gently grabbed his lover's hand, interrupting the conversation she was having with Free. Y/N looked back at the blonde, almost as if she was asking him for permission to talk with her boyfriend. Free lazily smiled and nodded, walking into the forest, probably to train or take a nap.

"Soo Sis," Y/N attempted to cut the awkward silence, "what's up? How've you been?"

Sisco silently chucked at the nickname Y/N gave him, but quickly remembered what he called her for. "Y/N, what is it about Free that you like so much? Why have you hanging out with him more than with me?"

"Well, Free's just a really nice and chill guy and I like being around him! Why do you even ask? Are you jealous?" Y/N asked in a joking manner, nudging Sisco's side with her elbow. Sisco looked at her.

"And what if I am?" He replied coldly.

Y/N scoffed. "Me and Free don't even hang out that much!!"

"Not 'that much?' You have to be kidding me, Y/N. We haven't talked in three days because you were with Free all freaking day. Can't believe you wanna replace me that easily." 

Y/N's E/C eyes widened in shock. She didn't realize how much time she was spending with her friend, and the fact that she was hanging out with Free more than with her own boyfriend broke her heart, and Sisco probably felt the same. She didn't blame Sisco for being jealous about it.

"Oh my God, Sisco... I'm so sorry that I left you out," Y/N looked at the ground in embarrassment. "If you want, you can train with me and Free-"

"Forget it, Y/N. Let's just talk tomorrow, or whenever you feel like you're reading. I'm going to my room." Sisco sighed and walked away, grabbing his bag and heading towards the living quarters, leaving Y/N by herself.

Y/N couldn't sleep that night. The feelings of guilt were too much for her to handle. She should've been a better girlfriend by not ignoring Sisco so much. When they talked he sounded really hurt. She should've at least invited him to talk with her and Free whenever they weren't training.

She sighed tiredly as she lazily ran a hand through her hair.

"What am I gonna do?"



The green-haired male turned around to see Y/N running towards him.

"Can we please talk? It's about yesterday." Y/N gingerly grabbed his hand, looking up at him with a pleading look in her eyes. Sisco sighed and nodded. He didn't want to keep this up any longer either.

"So..." Sisco started off, inviting the female to tell him what's been on her mind.

"Look, Sisco, I'm really sorry for forgetting about you for a moment. I know I've been hanging out with Free way too much lately, but I promise that I've never betrayed you if that's what you're thinking. I would never do that to the first person I've ever loved and I hope you're my last," Y/N looked down at the grass beneath her, and started to whimper while holding back her tears.

Sisco's eyes softened at the sight before him. He regretted fighting over who she hugn out with knowing that Y/N would never do anything of the sort. yhe felt his heart being squeezed for making her feel that way.

"Y/N," Sisco started as he took her hand and kissed it tenderly, "I know you would never be capable of doing something like that. I have my complete trust in you, and I you're doing the same for me. I'm so sorry for lashing out at you like that," Sisco pulled Y/N closer into a hug, his eyes watering. Y/N smiled sadly as she felt her shoulder get slightly damp.

"It's ok, Sisco. We both messed up. Let's try to be better together!"





ok so explanation time

uhhh i've been going through major burnout??

like from all of my hobbies and school and life in general??


i got this super cute purple keyboard like omg it's so cute and it makes all of these yummy cronchy noises and ig it motivated me to write again ig LMAO

and sorry this one shot is really bad,, i've been writing nothing but essays for the past two years so ig it makes sense but i'll probably get used to writing like this sooner or later.

this isn't an official comeback on wattpad but i hope i'll be able to write a little bit more bc tbh? i missed it LMAO

anyways yeah!! i really hope i can write something else soon bc this is fun. maybe a rantaro x reader? after that idk i might open up requests but hopefully it will happen soon!!

anyways yeah that's it. love you guys and i hope to see you soon on another new chapter!! byee take care <33

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