kimidori quon → moving.

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Y/N sat im a tree, looking down at Xhaka's dojo, while the wind blew through her H/C hair.

Xhaka told her and the others that one of the old dojo member, by the name of 'Quon Kimidori', would join the dojo, again, apparently. She wondered who he was like, overly energetic like Aoi Valt, an enthusiastic Blader that she met not long ago, or as boring as Yugo, her brother's boyfriend.

"Hey, Y/N." Ukyo, Y/N's brother, jumped out of nowhere and sat next to her in the tree.

"Hey, edgelord." The female smiled at him. She turned to gaze to a blond male, who approached the dojo.

"Is that the guy Xhaka was waiting for?" Y/N studied the teenager. Looking at him more closely, he had bright blond hair with streaks of black, and had a hard gaze of emerald-green eyes.

His clothing seemed to suit him well, which made him look edgy, like Ukyo. He carried a skateboard, which made Y/N smile mentally, since she used to love skateboard a long time ago.

"I think he is," Ukyo replied, ready to jump down. "Come on, Y/N, this might be your chance." He smirked.

He knew that she was hard around boys, except for him, Yugo, Xhaka, and the rest of the club. And she needed to find someone to hang out with, of course.

"Eh, sure." The E/C-eyed female shrugged, jumping down the tree. They made sure to not have the guy notice them, as the sneaky peeps Y/N and Ukyo were.


I walked into the dojo using the secret entrance along with Ukyo.

"xHAKAAAAA-" I screamed, catching everyone's attention. The redhead turned around, looking slightly panicked at the tone of my voice.

"What did you break, Y/N? I though breaking things was my job," he sweatdropped.

"No, I didn't break anything-"

"Hey, Xhaka." A quiet, smooth, and gentle voice interrupted my excuse.

I turned around to see the same guy from outside.

"Quon! You're here!" Xhaka laughed in excitement, and revealed an array of sharp teeth at his friend as he smiled.

He smiled back, and he flashed a quick smile at me for less than a second.

I have to admit, he was really cute when he smiled.

"Hey, Quon, we have some new members that I'm sure you'll be friends with," Xhaka said while smiling in my direction, as well as Ukyo's, "Ukyo and Y/N."

"Oh, I saw these two outside," Quon pointed at us and smiled. I froze up.

He actually saw us?

Xhaka gave his laugh again. "I guess you guys aren't the sneaks anymore!" And he laughed again.

"I guess were not, huh Y/N?" Ukyo punched my shoulder playfully. I giggled a little. "I guess not."

"Well I'm Kimidori Quon, nice to meet you two," he offered me and Ukyo a smile and shook our hands.

He was a nice guy. Well I just met him, duh, but he did seem nice.

I'd have to figure out more about him.


After seven months, I guess I started to like Quon. The only problem is, according to Xhaka, he is going to leave the dojo again in a week.

Eh, not a big problem. I'm just not going to see him for God knows how much time. No biggie.

Who am I kidding, I haven't even confessed to him yet. He might die when he's gone!

I'm planning to try to confess to him today. It might go well. That's what I hope, anyways.

"Quon!" I jumped down behind him, but he didn't flinch. He was already used to it. He turned around and smiled slightly, and I swore I saw the faintest blush on his cheeks.

"Hey, Y/N. Something wrong?" He asked. I looked into his green eyes, and I felt like I could get lost in them for days. I snapped out of my trance and blushed a little.

"Y-Yeah, I need to talk to you," I scratched the back of my neck, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"What is it, Y/N? You're kind of blushing." He frowned. My eyes widened, probably blushing more.


"Watch out!"

I felt a hard impact on my back, pushing me towards Quon. I accidentally pushed him to the ground, and we landed in the dirt.

It turned out it was Xhaka who threw a soccer ball at my back.

He probably did it on purpose, that little shit.

I tried to get Quon and myself up, muttering a bunch of apologies, when aNOTHER soccer ball was thrown at my back.

We landed on the floor again, but the only difference was that our lips were touching.

Quon seemed to not mind, since he was kissing me. I eventually kissed back, me face turning red.

We were interrupted by the cheers of Xhaka, Ukyo, and Yugo. They did this on purpose. Of course.

I smiled shyly at him, as he smiled back.

I helped him up, and he thanked me.

"I guess we only have one week together," I smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah," he replied. "Let's spend the time we can together, then."

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