Chapter 1

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The Australian, Freckled boy got off the bus, his shoes making a slight squelching sound as the rain puddles from the pour earlier lay around.

Grabbing his average-sized bag, the boy carefully stepped around the water pools, making his way towards the large and grand building a infront of him.

Walking inside the huge courtyard, he noticed a few students his own age, strolling around the yard, either absorbed in their phones, listening to music or talking with friends. Smiling at a few students who waved a 'hi', he walked further into the campus, the automatic glass door making his entrance much more easier.

He stopped for a second, his jaw falling open in shock, as he viewed the surrounding. 

It had been decorated quite modestly, yet gave the elegant vibe. White ribbons of stain were hung around, and a sign in the middle of the room had been decorated beautifully, saying, "Welcome!". It was obviously done so well for the new transfers that would arrive that day- Which included him.

The receptionist waved, snapping him out of his daydream. The freckled boy took a bunch of papers out of his bag, walking towards the receptionist and handing it over. 

"New transfer from Australia, Lee Felix, aged 19 and Omega. Would you please tell me the teacher you were under back in Sydney?" The female at the desk asked, looking up from her computer screen.

"Ms. Myoi Mina." Felix replied, watching the woman work on her computer, glancing around the place one in a while.

"Ah, Mina-ssi. Well, looks like your new teacher will be Hirai Momo. I must say, You are one lucky transfer. You've got classes with the best teacher in this school!" The woman commented, smiling up at Felix before handing a key and some papers.

"This is the papers you'll have to hand in at you're first class. Don't lose them, we don't have duplicates. And this key will be to you're new dorm. Need I get a student to show you around the campus?" The woman asked kindly, sensing Felix's nervousness.

"That would be nice actually..." Felix muttered, taking the key and papers, putting them in his bag.

The receptionist looked around the entrance hall, spotting a guy sitting on the bench, headphones in his ears. He wore a white polo with a peace hand printed on it, paired with some denim jeans, and white sneakers.

"Lee Minho!" She called out, making the boy look up from his phone.

Putting his phone in his pockets and removing his headphones, he walked towards the desk, raising an eyebrow to ask why he had been called.

"Show our new transferee around the campus, will you?" The receptionist asked, setting some papers aside.

Minho nodded, gesturing Felix to follow him. The freckled boy followed curiously, hurrying behind the new figure.

"So, Transfer?" The boy, 'Minho' asked to Felix, glancing at the younger male.

"Yes, From Australia." Felix replied, making Minho jump a little, staring with wide eyes at the Australian.

"What...?" Felix asked curiously.

"Nothing, I just never expected you to have such a deep voice..." Minho replied, looking back at the pathway they were walking on, dodging some students who run past him.

Felix shrugged, looking around the surroundings. Minho had led them outside again, on the courtyard.

"So, I'm guessing your name is Lee Minho?" Felix asked, bringing up a different topic.

The older male nodded, leading the two of them away from the courtyard to another building, entering the glass doors.

"This is the main university. Our dance rooms, music rooms and what not are scattered according to floors. The ground floor has the music rooms, and the main auditorium where we hold shows and end of the year parties. Over there, is the cafeteria. They serve organic food, which is made by the university. It's pretty good, not gonna lie."

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