Chapter 21

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Felix and Hyunjin were at the park, enjoying a nice simple date. Well, Felix was enjoying the park and Hyunjin was enjoying Felix.

The younger boy would always run off, leaving the taller to trail behind him and then find the younger boy playing with a squirrel or a rabbit.

"Hey, Lix?" The older asked, approaching the smaller boy who was playing tag, with a stray squirrel.

Felix looked up, leaving the squirrel.

"Mind if I get some ice-cream for the both of us?" Hyunjin asked, pointing at the ice-cream stand near the park.

Felix nodded, chasing after the squirrel again.

Hyunjin went over to the ice-cream stand, getting one chocolate and strawberry and walking back to Felix.

"Lix?" He called out, unable to find the younger in the spot he left him last.

Hyunjin walked around the park, following the sound of a familiar giggle, across the bushes. The sight he was met by was very endearing, a little freckled boy playing with a group of kids by the small pond that had been constructed in the center of the park, specially for some ducks and geese.

Felix was throwing the ball to the kids back and forth, having fun with the laughing children.

And it did something to Hyunjin's heart.

"Lix, Ice-cream!" Hyunjin shouted, watching as the boy looked at him, bidding bye to the group of kids and ran over to him.

Hyunjin pointed to a bench, patting the empty seat next to him for Felix.

Felix happily sat down, taking the strawberry cone from Hyunjin.

"Who were they?" Hyunjin asked, referring to the kids from earlier.

"Oh, Naeun and her friends. You know, the swans from the recital." The smaller boy explained, taking a bite from his ice-cream cone.

Hyunjin nodded, staring at the kids. He took another bite of his own ice-cream, then looked at Felix's strawberry cone.

"Lix, could I try some strawberry?" Hyunjin asked, an idea forming in his head.

"Sure!" Felix nodded, handing the part of the ice-cream he hadn't bitten.

Hyunjin smirked, ignoring the cone and instead kissing Felix, licking the younger boy's lips in the process.

"Hmm, It's really sweet." He commented, leaving the smaller boy red in the face.

"Y-You really need to stop doing that in public. People are staring!" Felix complains, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I like it that way, to show people you're mine." Hyunjin responds, smirking at Felix as they both got off the bench and began to walk out of the park.

"I honestly have no idea why I like you anymore." The youngers scoffs, throwing a strawberry covered tissue in a dustbin.

Hyunjin shrugged, snaking one arm around Felix's waist and bringing him closer. They walked around the park, the taller occasionally coming to peck Felix's lips and the younger slapping him away.

The sky was a beautiful blue, and the sun hadn't set, still overhead. The church bells in the distance began to ring, and the distant honking of the geese could still be heard. The path was decorated with flowering cherry blossoms on the left side, next to the fence. 

Hyunjin stopped just underneath a pink and fully blossomed tree, one of the branches reaching down to tickle their faces. The flowery fragrance was relieving, calming even. Felix inhaled the smell, smiling as he did so.

Hyunjin smiled to himself, reaching out to a branch and plucking a single blossom. He gently placed it on Felix's head, brushing away the hair that had floated on top of the younger's forehead because of the breeze.

Felix touched the flower in his hair, smiling back at Hyunjin. It was silent, but the couple seemed to be communicating through the silence. Until, the taller decided to speak.

"Cherry blossoms mean a lot to me..." Hyunjin began, gently grazing his hand over a few blossoms that hung on the branch above him.

"How so?" The younger asked, curious.

"My mother used to grow one in our backyard, and she nurtured it like the most precious thing in the world. She didn't let anyone touch it, not even dad. But, she still allowed me to touch it, talk to it and stuff. It was her favorite flower, mine too." Hyunjin reminisces, touching the flowers with utmost carefulness.

"What happened?" Felix asked, noticing how Hyunjin's voice went low at the last part.

"I still take care of the tree, and pluck the first blooms and give them to Mom first. What's funny, is that the tree's first blooms and Mom's death anniversary happens to be on the same day." Hyunjin concludes with a shaky smile, letting his hand drop down.

Felix's eyes widen, immediately going forward to the taller.

"She died on the day when I received my first ever prize for a dance competition, when I was nine. But, you know things happen, and you can't really control them." Hyunjin sighs, taking out his wallet and revealing a black and white picture, yellowing with age.

"The only picture I could save of her, the fire that day destroyed everything else. Left the stove on by accident and the window was open, wind blew and it caught on other things. Before the fire rescue could come, everything was already in ashes, including my mom." 

Felix hugs Hyunjin, patting the taller's back and releasing some comforting pheromones.

"I do miss her, but somethings happen. And sometimes, those things are for the best." Hyunjin concludes, a cool wind blowing as he finished.

"I'm sorry." Felix says, slowly as if stressing every word.

Hyunjin leant down, cupping Felix's cheeks and caressing it with his thumb.

"Don't be." Was all the taller said before intertwining their hands together and resuming their walk.

Hyunjin looked at the boy, wondering what made him bring up such a sensitive topic from his past. He hadn't told anyone of how his mother had died, or anything for that matter. Not even the group, exempting Chan.

He missed his mother greatly, more than anything. He had pursued dance ever since, finding comfort in it. His father was a man he didn't truly know, but he knew the man also missed his wife greatly, but never showed it, as an alpha. 

But somehow, he found something of a home in Felix, something in his heart felt so incredibly warm, and he always thought of his mom when Felix was around. How they both were so similar in nature, how they smiled so brightly making him forget everything else, how he just felt loved, even through the lightest of touches or hugs, it just made him feel at home.

Maybe, that's why he decided to tell Felix, because he was a constant reminder of it. Sure, they didn't share homes directly, they were both raised miles apart. 

Home is where the heart belonged, after all.

And right now, his heart belonged to Felix.

And right now, his heart belonged to Felix

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Word Count: 1179

AN: I don't really have anything to say here. I tried-

Thanks for reading!

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