Chapter 6

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The two boys talked throughout the evening, and once Felix bid a overdramatic (Hyunjin was beginning to rub off on him) bye to the dogs, the two were walking back home.

The sun had already set, and the streetlight set the light for the pair to walk back to the dorms. Felix looked down, staring at his white shoes as they walked through the street.

Hyunjin had his hands in his pockets, looking around the place as they walked around. A cold wind blew from behind him, as Felix shivered. The taller boy looked over in concern, glancing at the jacket he had for himself and then at the shorter.

Felix's shoulder were exposed and the fact that he was wearing a skirt did not ease the situation one bit, so Hyunjin did the one thing he could think of, removing his jacket and giving it to the freckled boy. Hyunjin had a full sleeved white shirt over anyway, so it wasn't a big deal.

The taller went behind Felix just for a second, placing the jacket over the shorter boy's shoulders.

Felix looked behind him in surprise, clutching on the jacket as Hyunjin smiled at him and went back to walking with the shorter boy on his side. 

"Thanks..." Felix mumbled quietly, holding onto the jacket.

Hyunjin simply smiled once again, going back to looking around on the street.

That was until the taller boy got a whiff of a warm smell. 


He glanced at Felix once, and looked behind them. A few people were walking on the streets, and there was a couple walking behind them, holding hands and being lovey-dovey. Not too far away from them was a man, dressed in black and wearing a mask.

Hyunjin stiffened up, pulling Felix by the hand and walking faster.

"Hyunjin, wha-"Shush, We need to get back to the dorms before they close the gates." Hyunjin said, his lips straightened into a thin line as they neared a turn in the street.

Felix nodded, his hold on the jacket tightening as they almost sprinted back to the dorms.

As they turned, they neared a more secluded area, and the streetlights were dimming. Hyunjin cursed under his breath, this wasn't good.

He glanced behind him and noticed that the number of people on the street had reduced, and that man was still behind their trail, closing in on them significantly. The couple were behind them, but they had slowed down and weren't as near to them as before.

They were walking through the street, as Hyunjin saw the lights of the campus a little nearer. He walked faster, dragging Felix quickly behind him, who was running at this point.

"Hyunjin, Please slow down, They won't close so early!" Felix said, panting.

Hyunjin said nothing, still running with Felix. They had to run quite a bit more if they wished to reach the campus area, where the people would begin to increase.

That was, until a shriek from Felix alerted Hyunjin as he pulled the freckled younger behind him, facing the same black-masked man from earlier.

"What is a pretty, little omega doing at this hour, huh?" The man asked, ignoring Hyunjin.

Felix gasped, his arms immediately going to his neck to check for his scent-blockers, feeling just a bit of it peeling off.

Hyunjin grit his teeth, shielding the younger boy from the man.

"What my mate does here is none of your business. Mind your own." Hyunjin said, his arms instinctively covering Felix from the man.

"Oh really? If your so called 'mate' here is really yours, why don't I see a mark?" The man asked, trying to reach his hands to Felix, only to be held away by Hyunjin.

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