Chapter 37

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The two mates were walking to their practice room, greeting other competitors on the way as they reached their dance room.

"You're late." Renjun said, as they entered the dance room, another tall male in the room, setting up the music system.

"We know, So sorry, Jun, We just got a little.. held up in the morning." Felix apologized, glaring at Hyunjin who shrugged, a sly smile on his face.

"I wanted to know what was the reason for the hold up, but judging by your reactions, I don't think I want to know anymore." Renjun said, grimacing a little bit.

Felix's ears turned red, before gesturing at the other man in the room.

"Oh, him. Taemin-ssi, Meet our dancers!" Renjun calls out, and the addressed ale smiles, walking to them both.

"Hello! My name's Taemin, and I shall be your training teacher." The man introduced himself, bowing slightly, the other two doing a full bow in return.

"Nice to meet you, Taemin-ssi. I'm Felix, and this..."I'm Hyunjin!" The taller said for himself.

Taemin nodded, giving a soft smile to them both as he took the USB that Hyunjin offered, putting it in the music system and listening to it on the speakers.

"Have you started on the choreography yet?" Taemin asked, listening to the music intently.

"It's actually just an extended one of a song we performed before. So, we have a little bit of the choreography planned out, but we need to add new parts." Hyunjin said, to which Taemin nodded, his feet automatically moving to the beats of the music.

He replayed the music, pausing it as he came to the two, infront of the mirror.

"I've seen your performance, it's got a good choreography. We just need to season it a bit, add some more flair. Your concept, was it... uh... Swan Lake?" Taemin asked, snapping his fingers to remember.

The young dancers nodded, and Taemin hummed, tapping his foot on the polished wooden floor.

"Let's get started then?" Taemin asked, and the two nodded again, dropping their bags off near black bench near the speakers.

"Alright, Would you mind just showing the choreography live, right now? I just need to analyze it." Taemin asked, and the dancers nodded, getting into position as Taemin replayed the music, watching them dance.

And so, they started practicing, Taemin adding a few moved here and there, correcting their posture in between.

Hours passed into days, every morning the two dancers would arrive at the dance studio (Taemin was always there first though) and they practices tediously, not sparing a single minute to waste.

It was a hot Tuesday, the two dancers were practicing by themselves that day, Taemin had excused himself for a few hours for an important errand, sending them a text that would be there soon, and they needed to perfect the dance before that.

"Felix, Your ankle." Hyunjin warned across the room, and the omega looked down, clicking his tongue in exasperation before fixing it, turning it towards the left.

"Sorry." Felix mumbled, doing the rest of the routine, nearing the alpha who was sweating profusely, still dancing as the music neared the end. 

The violin music echoes in the practice room, as Felix ran towards Hyunjin, hugging him as the other twirled him around, raising him slowly and then placing back on the ground, keeping eye-contact with a smile. 

The music neared it's end, and although Hyunjin was supposed to let Felix drop to the ground, his hands refused to leave the younger boy's waist, somehow glad to hold him. Practice was eating at his nerves, and it felt as though his entire mind relaxed when he smelled the familiar honey scent, mixed with his own cinnamon, and who cannot forget the puzzling vanilla.

Felix looked confused, glancing at Hyunjin to let him go so they could complete the routine, but Hyunjin shook his head, burying his head in the crook of Felix's neck, back-hugging him. He held the younger closer, breathing in the sweet honey fragrance. The younger boy sighed, smiling at the older through the mirror. They both were exhausted, and Felix could understand that from the taller male's actions. 

Hyunjin lifted his head to grab the younger boy's chin abruptly, pulling him into a sudden kiss. He missed the warmth of Felix's lips, relishing the sweet cherry taste. He was head over heels for the boy, and he didn't regret that at all. Felix let out a yelp at the sudden action, kissing back anyway.

Felix was the first to pull out, a red blush coating his cheeks. Hyunjin smiled at him from the mirror, taking the chance to pepper small kisses all over the smaller boy's face, making the latter giggle from the ticklish feeling.

Slow clapping echoed from behind them, the ballet music forgotten long ago.

"Well, Well, Well, I didn't think practice was this, but sure..." Taemin said, clapping his hands as he got in the room. 

Felix blushed harder, realizing that Taemin was watching the whole thing, his alpha laughing  at him and then at Taemin, saying a 'Thank you'. Taemin put his bag down, walking towards the two with a wide grin.

"I'm glad to see the wonderful progress so far. However, I'm afraid today will be our last meeting. Tomorrow, the both of you will be going to the opera to get your measurements done for your clothes. The day after you will be rehearsing on stage, and then comes the grand finale date. It was great working with the both of you, I have never had better students, if I'm being honest. Wishing you the best of luck with the grand performance." Taemin said, smiling as he shook the hands of both the dancers.

"It was great working with you too, Taemin-ssi." The couple said in unison, surprising themselves.

"Call me Hyung." Taemin said, winking before he headed towards the door.

"Do well!" He shouted to the two, pumping a fist into the air, cheering as he left the room with one last smile.

"Do well!" He shouted to the two, pumping a fist into the air, cheering as he left the room with one last smile

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Word Count: 1132

AN: This was a crappy chapter. And I have more bad news, unfortunately. This book shall be ending sooner than I imagined, at around 39-40 chapters. I am losing ideas for the book, so I shall be ending it there. I shall try to focus on my newer books until then, and even so, I have more ideas for Hyunlix, cause we need more, so check out my other books in the mean time! (I highly do not recommend Photoshoot - Hyunlix, it was my first ever book, and it needs a hell load of editing which I'm too lazy to do.) Hope you liked reading this!

Stay safe <3

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