Chapter 27

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"Have you got your stuff ready?" Felix calls out from the living room, who was cleaning the place.

"Yeah, What about you?" Hyunjin replied, shouting back as he emerged from the bedroom with a small black suitcase, dropping it off next to the sofa.

"I half-packed, I'll clean the kitchen and bedroom and then pack the rest." Felix answered, fluffing the cushions.

"When's our flight again?" Hyunjin asked, scrolling through his phone as he plopped down on the sofa.

"4 in the evening. We'll be spending the night in the plane and arriving at around 4 in the morning tomorrow." Felix replied, pushing Hyunjin off the couch and dusting the place he was sitting on.

"I'll go take a shower. Then... you cooking for lunch or take-out?" Hyunjin asks, rubbing his back from Felix throwing him on the ground.

"Take-out, I don't have time to cook." Felix says, putting on gloves and entering the open kitchen to clean.

Hyunjin nods, tapping on his phone to call the diners near the university.

Felix hears Hyunjin order the food from a distance, wiping the countertop with a wet cloth. He hadn't much to clean, swiftly moving the jars and bottles into their right places and turning off any electrical appliances. After cleaning their kitchen, he moved into the bedroom. He heard the sound of the water turn on in the bathroom, indicating that Hyunjin had got in for the shower.

He quickly packed his clothes and other stuff in, making sure all the essentials were also packed. After a double check around the room while making their beds, the boy dragged his white suitcase into the living room, sighing as he looked around for anything he had forgotten. The bell rang, and he opened it, thanking the delivery man and then placing the food on the table.

The door of the bathroom unlocked, and after a few minutes, Hyunjin came out, and thank goodness- He was fully dressed.

"Could you set up the food in plates carefully, make sure not too take too much stuff out, I just cleaned. I'll go get ready till then." Felix said, looking at Hyunjin expectantly.

The older nodded, taking out the food from the cover.

Felix smiled, running off to the bedroom and collecting his clothes to get inside the shower.


"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 73B to France. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you." The loud speakers boomed, and Felix quickly fished out their required items from the small bag in his hand.

"You got everything?" Hyunjin asked for confirmation, watching the boy.

Felix nodded, waiting patiently for the the other passengers boarding to finish. They line was getting smaller and smaller, and eventually another announcement was made.

The two got up quickly, going towards the flight attendant before the line got too long. She quickly checked their boarding passes and let them in, not wasting too much time since the line was getting longer by the minute.

They walked in quickly, and entered the plane, finding their seat on the aircraft. They set their bags on the compartment above them and sat down, Felix near the window seat and Hyunjin on the outside.

Felix opened his phone, to put on airplane mode. He checked his texts quickly, chuckling to himself when he noticed the amount of tearful farewells from Jisung and the others. And one advertisement of an insurance company and funeral servicing by Minho.

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