🤍🩰 Chapter 40 🩰💙

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The curtains opened, and the soft violin music echoed across the room. The audience made no sound, all of them holding straight faces with absolutely no emotion.

Smoke covered the room, and that was Felix's cue to go up on stage, tip-toeing across the stage, hiding himself behind the dancers that was dancing in a line, covering him as he got into position.

The dancers cleared the way, and the music slowed down just a bit, allowing Felix to show himself to the audience who gasped under their breaths, realizing that for the first time, Odette was a male dancer.

Felix took a deep breath, allowing the music to decide his next steps. He let the rhythm flow through his veins, forgetting about the audience and getting lost in the magical tune of the violin and piano, his feet automatically moving to the invisible beat.

The dancers made subtle movements around him, also dressed in white, except their costumes were covered in feathers, mimicking swans. The omega looked around the crowd, scanning every unfamiliar face, who sat absolutely still, focused on the dance. And in the distance he spotted a face, almost loosing focus on what he doing.

There in the distance, seated behind all the professionals and invited guests were his friends, all gathered together and watching him dance, Jisung smiling at him when they saw each other.

Felix smiled to himself, his body seeming to have a mind of it's own as it swayed to the music, the tedious hours of practice paying off. 

It was halfway through the music that the omega felt a comfortable warmth behind him. The soft ballet music was forgotten in the background as he was spun around, meeting the warm brown eyes of his partner, his alpha.

Hyunjin gave a small smile, his eyes flickering across Felix body to take in the magnificent swan dancer, Felix doing the same.

Hyunjin was dressed in a white musketeer shirt, the front part pf his shirt barely having anything to cover his toned chest. Felix blushed, the strings that held the shirt barely doing their job, if anything, the shirt seemed to have been cut way too low, and the omega would be lying if he said he didn't like the view infront of him right now. The alpha had longer hair, reaching a little past his shoulders. Part of his hair was neatly clipped back with a diamond rose clip, shining under the white lights above them.

Felix felt his breath hitch as the alpha grabbed his one hand, another snaking around his waist, the alpha subtly licking his lips, just visible enough to Felix.

Hyunjin was just as amazed, his eyes scanning the younger's body. The gems on his dress seemed to accentuate his beauty even more, his eyes glossed over, sparkling under the light. What was more surprising was that his hair, his blonde locks of hair, that was already quit long, had seemed to have added extensions in them, part of it tied behind him and part of it laying loose on his shoulder, reaching till his elbows.

The music around them reminded the two what they were actually supposed to be doing, and the alpha smirked at Felix, the younger returning a knowing smile as the two danced together to the music, forgetting everything else except themselves, seeing only the other and the gentle music wafting around like their background music.

Their routine continued, like they had practiced for two month now, their bodies moving like it was a reflex, they music changing speed every now and then like the story, telling the tale of the swan queen and the prince finding love in each other.

As the end of the music seemed to come closer, Hyunjin let Felix go, the omega doing the last bits of the choreography as practiced, showing the sadness of separating from his love through dance, closing his eyes to calm his heart down.

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