Chapter 25

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Hyunjin woke up to the sunlight shining on his face. The carefree wind tossing his open book pages haywire.

Damnit, Felix left the window open again!

With a tired groan and yawn, the tall brunette got up from bed, closing the window and getting on top of bed.

Speaking of which...

"Felix...?" Hyunjin called out, his voice raspy from just waking up. 

He turned around, looking to the white bed on his left when he heard no answer. He got up again, getting out of the bedroom.

"FELIX?!" He shouted, looking through the house. Stumbling into the kitchen, he noticed a yellow sticky-note on the fridge, a message written with pink marker.


Hey Hyunnie!

I assume you have woken up, else you wouldn't be reading this.

If you're wondering where I've gone, I'm with the Han, Min and Innie. Going out to the mall together! 

Also, BTW, I've left some breakfast in the fridge, and some brownies in the oven. (Birthday special!)

Don't tell me you forgot it's your birthday...

Which reminds me-

Happy Birthday!

I'll see you in the evening ;)

Have fun!



The taller smiled at the small heart at the end, chuckling to himself at how the younger boy had written the entire note. 

But then he frowned, looking at the calendar next to the fridge and realizing that it was in fact his birthday.

And Felix wasn't there to celebrate with him.

At least he made brownies!  He smiled, looking inside the oven and finding the chocolate brown desserts.

He quickly went to the bathroom, deciding to freshen up and then heat up his breakfast, finding some egg and pancake mix.

He ate his food quietly, deciding to go to the studio for awhile and practice, not knowing how else to spend the day. No one else would be available, the hyungs all had classes, and the millennials were all spending time at the mall.

Sighing, he dropped his dish into the sink, and unlocked his phone, smiling at the birthday wishes that were flooding his phone.

At least they remember... He thought positively, putting his phone back and going to to the bedroom and getting ready to go to the studio.

It's just a birthday, not a big deal...


"Oh my god, Jisung, What if something goes wrong?! Like, the cake I baked might be bad, or the decoration might fall down and suffocate him! Or the candles could start and fire and burn us to death! Or it might rain! Or-"There goes Lix overthinking again!" Jeongin yelled, making Jisung sigh in frustration.

"Lix, First of all, Breathe. Second, Stop thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong and start thinking of how happy Hyunjin will be when he sees all this!" The squirrel enlightened, his arms gesturing to all the preparations they had made for the said male's birthday.

Felix smiled, looking at the view outside. He had chosen a special place near a mountain restaurant and rented out the rear area for the occasion, The rest of the group pitching in to help decorate.

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