Chapter 33

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"Thanks, Renjun." Hyunjin says, as he reached his hotel door, holding some soup that Jaemin had made specially for Felix.

"No problem. Make sure Felix gets rest... And also, Be careful, think before you act." Renjun said, patting Hyunjin's shoulder.

Hyunjin looks weirdly at Renjun, not knowing where that was coming from.


Renjun sighs, his lips drawing into a thin line.

"You'll see as soon as you open that door." Renjun says finally, walking to his own hotel door and waving a goodbye, entering his own room quickly.

Hyunjin stand there, frozen. Shaking his head, he opens the door a little hesitantly, Renjun's words revolving in his head.

As soon as he opened the door, he was met by the sweet honey scent, thick and sweet, filling every nook and corner of the room. There were pheromones everywhere, pheromones of distress, and desperation. The scent became intoxicating, hitting his nose in full force and invading his senses.

There were faint whimpers coming from the bedroom, and Hyunjin hesitantly walked closer, the scent becoming more and more stronger with every step.

He entered the room, his eyes widening in shock as Felix laid on the floor, the blanket laying half on the bed and half on the floor. The boy's hair was a mess, and his clothes were ripped, torn at random places as if he'd been struggling around.

"Felix...?" Hyunjin called out nervously, and the younger boy's head snapped up to meet his gaze, and it took a lot of self-control for Hyunjin to not pounce on the boy that instant.

His eyes were glossy, mixed with lust and desperation. His cheeks were flushed and there were tear marks running down them. His lips were shiny and red, and Hyunjin guessed he had been chewing on them. His face looked ethereal at the moment, and Hyunjin doubted to himself whether this had been the prettiest state he had seen the Australian in.

Felix looked up at Hyunjin, more tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Alpha... Alpha..." He whimpered, crawling closer to Hyunjin, as the cinnamon scent mixing into the room, more distressed pheromones filling the room tenfold.

Hyunjin panicked, pushing the boy away from him. His inner Alpha was fighting him now, and it was in a mental conflict. His fingers burned, and he realize that the younger boy's entire body was on fire.

Felix was in heat.

Felix looked hurt, sobbing at this point. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, and he looked at Hyunjin, numerous pleas falling from his lips.

"Please... Alpha... Please... N-Need y-you..." He begged, and Hyunjin felt all self-control drown away, his alpha coming to control.


Tearing his eyes away from the pleading omega, he forced himself to ignore the sobs and cries, walking out of the room quickly and locking the door.

He walked away from the bedroom, and it hurt to hear Felix crying and begging in there.

His inner alpha was calling to him too, telling him to go an help the omega. He was begging, pleading, and was already telling him to take him and here he was refusing.

But he shouldn't. He shouldn't  take advantage of an omega, his own roommate in such a vulnerable state.

He looks at his phone, realizing he doesn't have anyone to call for help. His friends would be busy in class, and he needed help.

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