Chapter 2

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Felix began to set up his room, a little more detailed. Placing the picture of his family on his bedside table, He unlocked his phone, checking for any messages from his friends.

He smiled when he saw a message from Chan, a friend of his from Australia. He's the one who suggested the boy to transfer to Korea and start learning with the former. It took a lot of convincing but Felix was here now, wasn't he?

Channie-Hyung <3

Hey, Lix!

Sent - 12:38 PM

Lixie 💛

Hi, Channie-hyung! 

Sent: 4:32 PM

Channie-Hyung <3

Finally decided to reply?

Sent - 4:33 PM

Lixie 💛

Well, yes. I had been busy with touring around the school, a student showed me around. 

Sent - 4:33 PM

Channie-Hyung <3

Ah, Sorry 'bout that. I had been busy with some assignments. Our teacher asked us to create a 2 minute song with a random track he chose for us.

Sent - 4:34 PM

Lixie 💛

As long as you treat me to coffee afterwards, All is forgiven. Anyway, I was able to make a new friend... so, I didn't really miss you.

Sent - 4:36 PM

Channie-Hyung <3


Well, I'm glad you made a new friend.

(I'll treat you to coffee tomorrow evening, but I'm telling mom if you drain my wallet.)

Sent - 4:36 PM

Lixie 💛

His name is Minho. He toured me around the place and helped me to my dorm. He even gave me his own room address if I needed help!

(Tell Mom, Idc, You're not a little kid anymore.)

Sent - 4:37

Channie-Hyung <3

Wait, Minho as in Lee Minho?

(Says the one who still cuddles a stuffy toy and is the literal baby of this chat)

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Lixie 💛

Yes, Lee Minho. You know him?


Sent - 4:37

Channie-Hyung <3

Yeah, I see him at Vocal classes. Not to mention the fact that he's one of the best dancers here.

(You are, don't even try and deny it)

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