Chapter 12

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It was awkward to say the least.

Felix and Hyunjin, talked, yes. But, it wasn't exactly great. Short and curt responses were all, and the the weird stares when they were in the same room.

The omega tried his best to avoid Hyunjin, which was kind of hard considering the fact that they were roommates. He didn't want his 'Omega senses' going crazy and making mistakes before he could control them.

With that being said, the two were eating breakfast, well Hyunjin was eating breakfast and Felix was tossing pancakes into his plate as he ate.

"Hope it's alright..." Felix said, taking a seat next to Hyunjin and grabbing a fork for his own food.

Hyunjin nodded, eating his last pancake.

"T'was good." Was all he said before washing his plate and leaving to the bedroom.

Felix sighed, eating quickly and scrolling through his phone, checking his messages. His eyes widened when he saw a few messages from Chan.

Channie-Hyung <3

Oi, Lix.

Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin and me were wondering if you were free today evening.

We wanted to go outside, as a group and spend the day together, before the recitals and the classes start piling up again.

It's probably to the amusement park not too far from the university. It's only gonna be there till Sunday.

So, you up for it?

(I know you and Hyunjin are busy with recital practice, but spare a day for us?)

Sent - 3:58 AM FRIDAY

Felix frowned, noticing the time it was sent. 

"He complains about me working hard, when he's the one staying up late finishing projects that are like a month away to due." The boy mutters, checking his calendar.

One day of relaxation wouldn't hurt, right?

Felix walks into the bedroom, knocking on the door and then realizing it was his room too. He opened the door, and sees a Hyunjin sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone as well.

"Hey, Chan-hyung is wondering if we were free today evening? To go out with the group... An amusement park they said."

Hyunjin nods, showing his phone to Felix with the same messages from Chan.

"He asked me too. At 4:05 AM." Hyunjin says, scoffing at the last part.

Felix smiles and chuckles, typing on his phone.

"So, we can go?" He asks once more, for confirmation.

"Sure. We can practice a little longer tomorrow, If that's okay..." Hyunjin suggests, typing in his reply as well.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Felix says, leaving the room.


Lixie 💛

Sure, I'm okay with it. 

See you at the university courtyard!

Sent - 7:47 AM

Channie-Hyung <3 is typing...

Lixie 💛

Don't you dare reply. Go to sleep!!

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