Chapter 13

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Hyunjin was busy shooting the floating ducks on the board with his water gun, while Felix cheered on from his side, eyeing the huge white teddy bear hanging on the side of the stall.

"You win 78 tickets, you may pick a prize from this range of toys." The stall owner said, with a bored voice, pointing at the row of medium sized toys in the front.

Felix's pout and longing eyes at the teddy bear didnt go unnoticed by Hyunjin, who immediately gave a few more coins to the stall owner.

"One more try!" Hyunjin asked, and the stall owner waved his hand in approval, sitting down on his plastic chair and dozing off.

"Hyunjin, We could just pick-"Nope! We are winning that teddy bear!" The taller cut Felix off, immediately starting his second try on the game.

It was after a few minutes, that Hyunjin managed to hit the smallest duck, hidden between the reeds on the board, winning a bonus. 

"Congratulations, You have won 102 tickets. You may pick a any prize from this shop." The stall owner said, yawning and setting up the game for the next participants behind Hyunjin and Felix.

"We'll have that teddy bear, please." Hyunjin said, pointing at the desired item. The owner shrugged, getting it off the hanger and handing it over to the pair.

The two moved away from the front, giving space for the other people to play. Hyunjin handed the stuffed toy to the younger, who let out an inhuman squeal and hugged it tightly, burying his head in the bear.

"ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ..." The younger said, his voice muffled by the fur of the bear.

"Huh? What was that?" Hyunjin teased, putting a hand near his ear and pretending he didn't hear the younger.

"I said, thank you..." The younger said, his voice still small.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" Hyunjin probed on, leaning closer to Felix.

"I SAID, THANK YOU!" Felix shouted, straight into Hyunjin's ear, startling the older and making him fall to the ground in shock.

"Ow..." Hyunjin whined, rubbing his bottom from the fall.

"Serves you right." Felix said, clutching on the bear and walking away from Hyunjin, who scrambled up to his feet and followed behind Felix.

Hyunjin held Felix's hand, making up an excuse of not getting lost. He led them both to the other stalls, and the two played and laughed, forgetting the awkwardness and everything. They didn't think of anything else, other than just enjoying themselves and having fun with the time they had.

But this next place wasn't a bit fun for Felix.

"Hyunjin, I really can't stand scary stuff..." Felix said quietly, hiding behind the taller as he paid for their tickets into the horror castle infront of them.

"Oh, come on. It's not that scary." Hyunjin consoled, pulling Felix into the castle.

An eerie music began to play, and the doors behind them shut close.

"It is..." Felix retorted, hugging Hyunjin from the side. 

Hyunjin chuckled, walking forward, not minding the wooden tiles that were creaking underneath them. And well, Felix minded it very much, or else he wouldn't be tip-toeing on every tile.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere appeared a ghost, with blood pouring over the white robes. That a flash of light and a foul smell and smoke covered the two, making them cough and close their eyes on instinct. As soon as they opened their eyes, Felix shrieked seeing a weird masked figure right infront of his face. He clung onto Hyunjin, hiding his face in the other's chest.

Hyunjin gently patted Felix's head through it, and the younger boy didn't dare raise his head after that.

Finally, even after a few screams and yells, and Felix close to passing out twice, they made it out of the castle.

The moment they say daylight, Felix ran out in a hurry, leaving Hyunjin and quite literally jumping into the grassy park outside. 

"FINALLY- I MISSED YOU EARTH!" He yelled, hugging the ground and receiving a few weird glances from the people around him. 

Hyunjin sighed, pulling the boy back up from the ground. 

"Felix, stop being weird and let's go-"Shut up you tall llama, you got into the castle, deal with me being who I am." The boy spat, glaring at Hyunjin and going back to hugging the literal ground.

Hyunjin decided it was useless arguing, so he head over to the ice=cream stand not too far away and bought two ice-creams for the two of them.

"Felix, here." Hyunjin said, handing the pink-colored ice-cream to the younger boy. 

The Australian got off the ground and dusted his skirt, removing the fallen grass and dirt. Thankfully, not much had ruined his white clothing.

"Thanks." The younger replied as Hyunjin sat down, eating his ice-cream.

"No problem." The taller replied, one hand holding the ice-cream and the other fixated on the grass, and his pinky reaching out to touch Felix's own.

Felix hadn't noticed the small moves that Hyunjin made, simply assuming it as a friendly gesture. He began to lick his ice-cream, looking around the park with wide eyes, his nose crinkling at the couples around, doing stuff.

Hyunjin noticed the younger's expression, letting out a snort at Felix's disgust. 

"What?" Felix asked, hearing Hyunjin.

"You act like you've never kissed someone before." Hyunjin responds to the younger, who turns his face away, blushing.

"Wait- You haven't?" Hyunjin asks this time, astonished that this pretty boy never had his first yet.

Felix didn't dare reply, burying his face in his knees in embarrassment.

"You don't have to be embarrassed you know... It's kinda cute actually." Hyunjin says, watching Felix bring his head up from his knees, his ears still burning red.

I lied.

It's not kinda cute.

It's heart-wrenchingly cute.

It's heart-wrenchingly cute

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Word Count: 1005

AN: Thank you for reading! And just you wait, there's a surprise in the next chap ;)

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