Chapter 31

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After having a nice lunch at a nearby restaurant, the two walked hand in hand on the streets, simply enjoying the rest of afternoon before they had to return to the practice room.

"Hey look, people are taking photos near the Eiffel tower, I wanna take one too!" Felix said, running towards the area.

Hyunjin chuckled, following behind the boy with the polaroid camera in hand. 

"Woah... It's so beautiful." Felix gasped in wonder, staring at the tall building at the distance, standing so beautifully in the blue sky background.

"Yeah, but you make it even more beautiful..." Hyunjin said, staring at the younger boy as he covered his cheeks with his sweater paws, shaking his head.

"Stop it..." Felix whined, when Hyunjin pried the hands off of his face.

"If I can get that reaction from you every time, then never." Hyunjin retorted, smiling at the shorter boy who huffed, the pink shade on his cheeks not leaving.

"Alright, pretty boy, Pose." Hyunjin said, taking the camera and ignoring the muffled whine from the boy.

They snapped a few pictures, and Felix did the same for Hyunjin, Putting the pictures safe.

"Let's take one together." Hyunjin proposed, taking the camera in his hand and coming next to Felix, angling them both perfectly so the tower would be seen.

Hyunjin sneaked his hand on Felix's waist, which startled the boy just a bit since he was wearing a crop top hoodie. His cheeks turned red again, realizing Hyunjin was watching his reaction carefully, smirking when he spotted the red tint on his face.

Pulling the younger boy tighter towards himself, Hyunjin snapped a photo, smiling at the camera.

Next, Hyunjin pulled him closer if that was possible, and just as he was about to click the photo he quickly turned Felix around, kissing the younger boy's cheek as he clicked the next photo. 

He waved the photo around in the air, waiting for the picture to appear. And once it did, Felix only went redder in the face, as Hyunjin laughed. 

Felix's eyes were wide, his cheeks the darkest shade he had ever been, and his entire body had froze in shock.

Hyunjin laughed again as Felix smacked his arm, hiding his face. After they both had calmed down, the taller held up the camera for one last shot.

Annoyed, Felix thought to himself as he looked at the camera, Hyunjin busy steadying his hand for the next picture.

Two can play at that game...

Just as the picture was going to be shot, Felix got on his tip-toes, leaning in to peck Hyunjin's lips as the camera took the last picture. 

Hyunjin froze in his place, and it seemed like the tables had turned when it was the taller male's cheeks turning red now, the picture from the camera falling and Felix reaching out just in time to catch it.

"Hyun...? Hello? Anybody there?" Felix asks, waving his hands infront of Hyunjin's face, his eyes fixated on the camera that he was still holding in the air.

"I- Um, Oh.. Oh, I-I'm alright..." Hyunjin replied, still a bit dazed from what Felix did.

Felix laughed, glad he got such a reaction. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, trying his best not to smile.

"Wanna go back to the hotel?" Hyunjin offered, locking their arms together.

"Actually, can we go check out the practice room we've got? I have the keys." Felix suggested instead, taking a bunch of keys from his pocket.

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