Chapter 38

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Wednesday rolled on faster than they had expected, and the two were already heading towards the opera back entrance, they needed to get their dress measurements done that day.

As much as they both wanted to see each other's costumes as soon as possible, they also knew for a fact that seeing it on the day of the performance would a much better surprise, and ten times the grandeur.

Hyunjin headed towards the back, bidding a way too overdramatic bye to Felix, making the younger laugh at the alpha's antics. 

The alpha entered the huge room, and no matter how many times he visited the back-stage, he would never not be amazed. The opera was built so beautifully, and they didn't leave a single part of the building amiss, every single aspect of it was breathtaking.

"Hyunjin! Here!" A voice called out, and the alpha recognized it as his stylist's, walking into a small room where a female stylist was sitting, stitching a white cloth.

The woman smiled at his entrance, switching off the sowing machine and putting the white cloth to the side, and Hyunjin caught a glance of the top.

"Try putting this on, will you?" The stylist said, handing the shirt once she'd ironed it down, so the material was smooth and soft.

Hyunjin nodded, heading into the changing rooms and quickly changing into his shirt. He came out later, the stylist checking the white cloth, and noting down something in her small notepad.

"Okay, We'll just have to adjust a few stiches here, and some around the shoulder. Other than that, this is pretty good." The stylist muttered to herself, nodding as she wrote quickly into her book.

They spent an hour in the dressing room, the stylist re-stitching the cloth into a proper design while Hyunjin went to try out a suitable bottom piece from the collection that was given. 

Eventually, the alpha stumbled upon the perfect black pants, the stylist finishing jsut in time for him to try out both the clothes as a whole. He came out dressed in the white top and black bottoms, the stylist clapping happily.

"Woah, This is perfect! Thank you, Hyunjin-ssi. You may go to the hair stylists now, they asked to finish as soon as possible, so get going!" The stylist ushered, pushing him out of the room hurriedly as the alpha sighed, taking out his phone as he sat infront of the mirror, a few stylist attending to his hair almost immediately.

Wonder how Felix is doing...


The omega was sitting on a lonely chair, as the stylist quietly looked around for a some shoes, ones she had accidentally misplaced.

"So sorry for the delay, I tend to forget where I keep things quite a lot." The stylist, Chungha, mumbled, handing a silver box with an apologetic smile. 

"It's alright, even I do that too sometimes..." Felix said, offering a friendly smile back.

Chungha appreciated the kind gesture, walking to her small red table with the sewing machine, taking a piece of white material carefully. Felix gasped in awe, the dress was so beautifully decorated with gems, he wondered if he could ever do the dress justice.

"Did you stitch that by yourself?" Felix asked, his mouth still open from shock.

Chungha nodded shyly, giving the cloth to Felix as she went to the back, taking a spare chiffon white skirt, to layer it with the already added skirts at the bottom of the dress.

"You wear this underneath the top. Just in case, the dress is too short. And your crown- umm, now where did I put that..." Chungha mumbled, running into the shelves of boxes, reaching for different boxes.

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