Chapter 4

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The cold air outside blew into the room, making the brunette shiver in bed. He opened his eyes groggily, looking around and spotting the freckled boy still asleep even though he was nearer to the window.

Hyunjin got up, closing the window and rubbing his eyes, trying to see so he could get back in bed.

He climbed back into bed with great difficulty, hitting his foot on the leg of the bed about three times. Trying to sleep, the boy turned and twisted in bed, unable to retrieve his lost sleep. Huffing, he laid on his back, looking at the ceiling, glancing at Felix sometimes.

The brunette closed his eyes, awakening again when he noticed Felix turning around to face him. Hyunjin looked at Felix, turning to his left so he could see the latter more clearly.

Even in the dark, Hyunjin could make out the outline of Felix's features, staring fondly at the way the boy had curled up into a ball, his fingers bunching up the blanket till his neck, looking ever so tiny in the humungous duvet.

Cooing, Hyunjin leaned over, reaching out to put some hair out of Felix's face. The freckled boy inhaled sharply, turning to his other side.

Sighing, the alpha looked at the ceiling again and closing his eyes trying to sleep. Only to be interrupted again by a smell.

Hyunjin smelled the air, trying to locate where it was coming from, the familiar smell of honey surrounding the room.

He followed the smell, stopping at Felix.

Looking closer, he saw a thin, transparent paper-like substance peeling off the Australian's neck. Hyunjin neared him just a little more, sniffing his neck. His eyes widened in shock as he realized the same honey smell was coming from the younger's neck. More specifically, his scent glands.

Hyunjin looked at the paper substance which had eventually fell on the bed, loosening off Felix's skin.

Picking it up, he sniffed it once again, confirming it was indeed Felix's scent he was smelling.

The younger shifted in bed, the honey smell becoming more sweeter by the second. Felix began to writhe around in his bed feverishly, his hold on the blanket tightening. Small pants were heard, as Felix turned around on the bed.

Hyunjin put his hand on Felix's forehead, drawing it back, surprised at the heat.

"Gosh, you're burning up." Hyunjin gasped, getting up and heading to the bathroom to get a few pills and water from the kitchen.

He shook the boy awake, as Felix began to whine and groan continuously not knowing Hyunjin was watching him.

Felix didn't even look twice when Hyunjin gave him the pills, easily swallowing them and the gulping the water down.

In a few seconds, Felix fell back on the bed again, the smell reducing slowly and Felix's body temperature reducing just a bit.

Hyunjin sighed, putting the empty glass on the bedside table and climbing back on his bed after affirming that Felix had fell asleep.


Hyunjin thought, before finally falling asleep.


Felix had woken up when the sun finally shone through the curtains of his window. The boy wondered who had closed it, after remembering clearly that he had left a part of it open yesterday night.

Shrugging, the boy opened the window before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

He was brushing his teeth when he looked into the mirror, trying to calm his bed-hair when he noticed that the skin near his neck was red and bare.

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