Chapter 32

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Returning home, they realized that the sun had already set. After the huge lunch earlier that day, they decided some protein bars would be more than enough as dinner, heading to bed after showering.

It hadn't been awkward, sleeping together. They had cuddled together on the same bed before, back at the dorms. It was just different, to say the least to get used to this sleeping position for three months. Considering the fact how hey always ended up in the weirdest and most intimate of positions in the morning, waking up centimeters away from kissing each other.

At first they had decided on putting a pillow in between them, separating them both. But then again, Felix was a cuddle bug, and without his plushies, it was a struggle to sleep. Eventually the pillow idea had been diminished, deciding that they both would try their best not to end up on top of each other, or right in front of each other's faces or anything too weird.

But then again, they made that same promise each time they cuddled, and they never stayed true to their word.

So, in conclusion, it isn't a big surprise when, once again, Felix wakes up with his lips brushing Hyunjin's, the older staring at him with wide eyes.

The taller brunette relished in moments like these, loving Felix's reactions after. It was Hyunjin who initiated the skin-ship, after outright declaring that he wasn't the type to like touches or hugs in the first place.

Felix was different, to him at least. And maybe, that same boy was the reason he liked skin-ship so much now.

There was this way, the way that made your heart beat so incredibly fast, the way your entire body warmed up with love and adoration, and a single touch could leave your skin burning. There was this way, that even after all the things listed above, Felix could make him feel safe and loved, the way his hands used to automatically come to hold Hyunjin's hands, habitually. Hyunjin loved these moments, because when it was him initiating things, small actions  like these showed him that his efforts weren't in vain. 

He hoped to hear those four words, the 'I love you too' out of the younger, but he could also understand, understand that he wasn't quite ready. He also knew those words were at the tip of the smaller's tongue, threatening to spill out, but he kept it in. Fear, probably.

Hyunjin would wait, if that was what Felix wanted. 

But, Fate just had to intervene.

And maybe, Hyunjin wasn't so regretful of it.


It was normal morning, two days had passed after their arrival in France and things were going well. Renjun had toured them around most of Paris, not going too far since they weren't here as tourists, but as dancers. 

And this particular morning, Hyunjin had gone out with Renjun to check out the opera stage and other facilities, getting used to the huge dome building. He also had to collect the USB with their song to perform from the coordinator, and meet the styling and make-up team for the show.

Felix had begged to come along, but here he was, a wet cloth on his forehead and some warm tea on the small table next to the bed. Hyunjin had insisted he stay at the room, finding the younger boy burning that morning.

With a simple check of the thermometer, it was clear Felix had a fever, and Hyunjin paid no attention to Felix's pleas, telling him he had to rest for his own sake. After a few more whines and explanations from Hyunjin, some promises of extra baking and dates, Felix finally agreed to stay at the hotel room.

He was bored, however.

So he decided to face time Jisung, missing his platonic soulmate. The last he had seen him was 2 days before he left Seoul, and that was 4 days in total, way too long according to Felix.

"Lixie!" Jisung greeted happily, his familiar grin on the phone screen as Felix's face visibly shone.

"Sung! I've missed you!" Felix said, almost hugging the phone before realizing that Jisung wasn't actually here with him.

"I've missed you too! It's lonely here, Minho- hyung is almost always out, having classes and stuff." Jisung complains, shaking his head in the process.

"Don't you have classes?" Felix asks, curiously.

"Off-time. Our teacher had a home emergency, and we didn't have any substitutes. So, we got classes canceled for a week till Nayeon-ssi comes back." Jisung explained, sighing at the end. 

Felix hums from the other side, and Jisung finally notices the wet cloth on the Australian's forehead.

"Lix, You sick?" Jisung asks, his previously annoyed tone changing into worry.

"Nothing big, just a fever." Felix says, brushing it off.

"Yuh-huh. I have a lot of questions, first, where's your boyfriend?" Jisung asks, raising an eyebrow.

"And I have a lot of answers, first, Hyunjin's not my boyfriend, second, he's out checking out the stage and getting the music for our performance." Felix says, squinting his eyes at Jisung and then rolling his eyes.

"I assume he put you in bed, otherwise you would be with him." Jisung mumbles, scoffing.

Felix nods, whining suddenly at the tough of being stuck at the hotel room.

"Anyway, Another question I have is, you sure this is just a fever?" Jisung asks, getting serious.

Felix looks at Jisung questioningly. 

"Of course! What else could it possibly be?" Felix asks, ignoring his conscious telling him what it really was.

"Alright, I'm just saying. You're not the usual type to catch a fever, and this just seems weird..." 

"I swear, sung, It's just a fever." Felix reasons, assuring his twin.

Jisung shrugs, taking the answer. 

Who knew how right Jisung would be?

Who knew how right Jisung would be?

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Word Count: 1029

AN: Relatively shorter chapter, I just decided to update because I wanted to. Again, this is a filler chapter, with not much details going on, but I'll try to make the next chapter a little more... something. Might be divided into two parts if it extends more than 1K words.

I hope you liked reading this chapter, next update will probably be tomorrow. 

Stay safe everyone <3

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