Chapter 35

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Hyunjin kissed down from Felix's mouth, the smaller boy squirming around. Hyunjin chuckled against his stomach, taking in the younger boy's small and fragile body. He rose up again, leaving the Australian's lower body untouched, going back to his neck instead, licking the scent gland and making the honey scent engulf the room.

Felix responded, scenting the older as well, and their scents combined the room and if any other person were to enter the room, they would faint from the mere amount of pheromones present in the room.

There was a hint of vanilla too, a puzzling addition. There always seemed to be a vanilla mixing whenever they had intimate moments like these.

Biting slightly on the skin on Felix's collarbone, the alpha began to lightly suck on the pale milky soft skin, a smirk adorning his lips when he heard the younger suppress a soft moan.

 Hyunjin leaned in to peck Felix's lips, proud of his artwork on the side of his neck.

"Don't hide your sounds, I want everyone here to know who's name you're gonna be screaming later." He whispered against the omega's mouth, making him whimper and nod slightly.

Hyunjin smirked, the amount of control he had over the boy was pleasing, how he would submit almost immediately. It was completely contrary to how he would always push the older away back at the dorms.

Hyunjin kissed downwards, removing the younger boy's last piece of clothing, while he sucked more red marks down his body. 

He had the chance, he wasn't going to let it go.

He removed the boy's boxers, smirking once again when he saw the liquid running down the omega's thighs.

"Oh, Already so wet, Baby?" Hyunjin asked, and Felix whined, covering himself with his hands.

"Don't be shy now, You're such a pretty omega." Hyunjin whispered, marking the boy's thighs as he hesitantly uncovered himself, his cheeks burning red at the compliments. 

Hyunjin leant forward, licking the boy's hole as the omega shivered at the contact, whimpering when Hyunjin decided to go further. 

"Alpha...Please... N-Need You..." Felix whined, when Hyunjin experimentally shoved his tongue inside the boy's hole, tasting more of the omega's slick.

Hyunjin complied, trailing a finger over the boy's legs, coating them with slick and circling his rim with the finger.

The taller kissed the boy gently, pushing the first finger in as the omega tensed up. He didn't move his finger, letting Felix adjust first.

Felix took the lead, rolling his hips as he let out soft moans. 

Hyunjin chuckled, watching the boy with lustful eyes. He wanted to devour the boy right now, but he waited, he didn't want to rush this.

He introduced a second finger, and then the third, and he watched Felix fuck himself on his fingers, becoming more and more louder with each addition.

He curled his fingers, watching the boy's reaction. Felix's eyes shot open, and a loud moan was ripped out of his throat, white sparks flying infront of his eyes.

"Hyun, Please, Do that again!" Felix begged, hoping the other would listen.

Hyunjin clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval. 

"That's not what you call me." Hyunjin said, raising an eyebrow and removing his fingers.

Felix whined at the emptiness, his own hands coming to touch himself instead.

Hyunjin noticed this, pinning the younger's hands above his head and glaring at the boy.

"Call me by the right name, and I'll give you what you want." 

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