Chapter 39

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Rehearsal was a busy process, the lighting on the stage made it incredibly hard to focus, and it didn't help for a fact that Felix kept getting distracted, spacing out every few seconds. He was nervous, so very nervous that his mind drifted to the most worst scenarios to go wrong at the show.

"Hey, Breathe okay?" Hyunjin said, after they finished rehearsing on stage that day, noticing the younger's pale face.

Felix nodded, barely registering the words. The alpha sighed, reaching out to squeeze Felix's hand, snapping the shorter out of his thoughts.

"Just enjoy it. Stop thinking about what could go wrong, cause nothing is. We've practiced for weeks now, don't worry, ok?" Hyunjin consoled him, placing a chaste kiss on the boy's lips, making the younger boy giggle with a slight blush. 

"I'll try my best." Felix replied, to which Hyunjin smiled, grabbing his hand and dragging him outside, dragging him to a café to have a lunch.


They spent the rest of the day between spending time around France, getting their minds off the competition the next day, resting instead of practicing more. Felix protested, insisting they go to the dance room, and practice, but Hyunjin won that argument without much effort.

So, they spend the night cuddling, and the morning eating in haste, missing the alarm that had rung thirty minutes ago.

They separated by the entrance of the opera, entering the separate dressing room where their stylists were waiting. It took an hour, dressing up properly. 

"I'll never get tired of saying this, but you're are literally the prettiest person I've ever seen!" Chungha squealed again, fixing the dress on Felix's shoulders. 

The stylist led him to the hair stylists, who also took another hour, and boy did they have something planned.

By the end of it all, Felix could have easily passed as a girl.

Next on the list came Make-up, and that's where things took a slight turn for the worse.

Felix sat on the chair, waiting as his make-up artist came to him, coldly staring at him as he sat on the chair.

"Sit up straight, I can't do fix your face if you lay like that!" The artist snapped, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

Felix jumped, not expecting the rough treatment, but accepting it anyway, too intimidated to speak back.

"Sheesh, I have to do a lot. Stay still!" She scolded again, grabbing multiple brushes and using them on the poor frightened omega, his eyes wide in discomfort as the woman constantly pushed him around, clicking her tongue repeatedly in exasperation.

"Y-You..." The woman began, her eyes widening in anger.

Felix stared at her  questioningly, and the woman snapped again, gritting her teeth as she grabbed another foundation sponge.

"Freckles! Can you believe it?! FRECKLES! Do you have any idea how much foundation I have to waste trying to cover them?" 

Felix frowned, looking at the mirror watching as the artist put on more foundation, covering his freckles. She was mumbling curses, glaring at Felix.

"I'm sorry..." Felix mumbled, holding back the tears that welled up in his eyes. He didn't want to spoil the make-up by crying right now.

"You should be! I spent hours, doing make-up for so many other participants, and I'm dead tired, and here you are with your ugly freckles, making my work so much more harder." The woman spat, purposefully hurting the boy as she pulled his head to the side, fixing the make-up.

Felix blinked his tears back, the make-up artist making more comments about his face every few seconds, making sure the boy heard them, painfully twisting his face to her will.

After sometime, the artist released him, still mumbling under her breath as she gestured the omega to leave, plainly shooing him away.

She left the room, going to next waiting room to work on the other participants. 

Felix looked at a nearby mirror, touching his cheeks. He grabbed a tissue quickly, pressing it on his eye to avoid the tear from falling. Didn't stop his heart from hurting, though.

The door interrupted him from thinking about it any further, a man dressed in a black shirt and a headset attached on his head made his way inside, a brown clip-board in his hands.

"Lee Felix?" He called, and Felix rose from his seat.

"Your act will be next, please wait back-stage." The man said, opening the door for them both as they walked into the back-stage room.

"Wait here until your act is announced, the curtains will close, and then the background dancers will head up first, you follow them behind." The man said, Felix nodding as he looked around, watching a few female and male back-up dancers, stretching by the few seats available next to the stage.

There was a faint ballet music, familiar to him. He had heard it many times on the way to his practice room. 

There was a huge audience, and a few ballet professionals seated here and there. The lights were dimmed, and so he couldn't really see much.

He glanced at the left side of the stage, as Hyunjin would be entering from there, while he entered the stage first, from the right.

"Hello! You must be the main dancer, the one playing Odette?" A female and male voice asked from behind him, making him jump slightly in shock, turning around to face a couple who were in their teens.

"Hey, and yes, I'm playing Odette. My name is Felix." The omega introduced himself, and the couple smiled at each other, bowing towards Felix.

"It's such an honor to meet you! We've heard so many rumors about you from the opera team, it's really great to finally meet you!" The female of the two chirped up, barely standing still.

Felix let out a slight giggle, his eyes sparkling.

"It's really nice to meet you too. You both are back-up dancers?" Felix asked back and the couple nodded, turning their heads when a man in black gestured at them quickly pointing at the stage.

"It was really nice to meet you, Felix-ssi. Good luck on stage!" The teenage boy said, waving as his girlfriend dragged him on stage, clutching on his arm.

Felix smiled at the couple, only for the same smile to disappear almost immediately. He took a deep breath, seeing the back-up dancer assemble themselves on stage, the red curtains closed so the audience wouldn't see them assemble into their places.

Time to dance.

Word Count: 1096

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Word Count: 1096

AN: Part 2 will be out soon, hang in there! And Don't be shy, comment along the chapter! 

Stay safe <3

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