Chapter 8

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Felix chases after Hyunjin. He checks his watch and grabs his timetable, checking what class he had next. Fortunately for him, he had the rest of the day for practicing the routine.

Felix stops out at the university courtyard, looking around for a taller male he had for a roommate, spotting all-black student taking long and angry strides to the dorm.

"Hyunjin!" Felix yelled, trying to catch the older boy's attention, which he did. The latter turned his head back in Felix's direction, looking at Felix for a second before taking off to a run back to the dorms.

"Hyunjin- wait!" Felix says, running behind the older, stumbling on a few stones in the way.

Felix reached the dorm building, slipping from his run and falling on the cold floor. But he continued on his hunt, finding the taller quickly getting into the elevator and heading to their dorm room.

He followed the taller, taking the next elevator and running to his door once the lift stopped. 

The door was wide open, and Felix headed in, locking the door behind him. He then walked to the bedroom where he could the other male punching something, probably the pillow.

Felix tried opening the door, only finding it locked.

"Hyunjin- Open this door!" Felix says, continuously pulling at the handle.

"Go away Felix!" Hyunjin yells from inside, his voice clearly mad.

"No, I won't go. This is my room too!" He retorted, hitting the door at this point.

There was a frustrated yell from the other side of the room, as the lock clicked and the door opened.

Felix stumbled in, seeing Hyunjin sit on the bed, his back faced away from him.

"What the fuck, Hyunjin? Why are you ignoring me? Avoiding me? Mad at me?" Felix asked, irritated greatly, but just a bit concerned.

The suffocating silence in the room was only that answered Felix's question, who'd had enough by then. 

What's more is that pheromones were filling the room, and it effected Felix. He was getting dizzy, and it made his body feel warm, even with the air conditioner on.

He sat next to Hyunjin, not talking but just showing his presence. He didn't want an  answer anymore, he just somehow missed Hyunjin. The true Hyunjin.

A few minutes passed in the silence of the room. It was then that Hyunjin turned to face Felix, his hood covering his face. 

Felix reached out to remove the hood out of his face and stared at Hyunjin quietly, waiting for the other to speak up.

"I'm sorry." Was all the other said, for a while, handing his head low.

Felix smiled, slightly, before scooting next to Hyunjin closely, and cautiously putting his hands on Hyunjin's crossed knees.

"Whatever for?" Felix asked, whispering even. He wanted to know why Hyunjin was mad, but he never said it was a sin to be mad.

"I... let my emotions get ahead of me... I know I shouldn't be... We aren't even close yet- But, I- I was jealous..." Hyunjin admitted finally, not raising his head and playing with his fingers.

"Why were you jealous?" Felix asked, stopping Hyunjin from playing with his fingers. This made Hyunjin look up at Felix, finally making eye-contact.

"I just... Your new friends." Hyunjin said, closing his eyes for a second as the same pheromones began to fill in the room making Felix tense up. He rubbed small circles on the taller's knees, hoping he would calm down.

Hyunjin did, he did calm down eventually. He exhaled slowly, calming down before he opened his eyes and looked at Felix again.

"Felix, Stay away from Wooyoung, from their gang." Hyunjin said, firmly. He stiffened up, removing Felix hands from his knees and taking them in his own instead. The boys didn't even notice, it was like another being in control of their actions.

Felix tensed up, his hands curling up into fists.

"Why? It's my choice whether who I make friends with." Felix said, defensively.

"Trust me, Lix. They aren't good news." Hyunjin warns, his grip on Felix hands starting to hurt the younger.

Felix draws his hands away from Hyunjin, blowing on his wrists. He glares at Hyunjin, who gives a silent apology, reaching out to help Felix, but the younger declines; keeping his hands to himself.

"Hyunjin, you do not decide who I make friends with. Wooyoung seems nice, and just because I spend time with them, doesn't mean I won't spend time with you. I was going to spend time with you in cafeteria, which is why I didn't go with them." Felix said, getting annoyed.

"It isn't about that. Wooyoung and his group doesn't exactly have the best reputation in the school. Yes, they're good dancers, but they-"Hyunjin, I think I can tell for myself whether they are good for me or not. And so far, they seem really nice. Why, they even told me they tried befriending you! And you apparently declined their friendship." Felix scoffs, getting off the bed.

"Seriously, You're gonna believe them?" Hyunjin asks, getting up as well.

"Maybe I will, They seem much more trustable than you." Felix says, huffing.

"Then have your way. I warned you, so don't come to me for help when you need it!" Hyunjin yells, loosing his control. He glares at Felix one last time, before going to his closet and grabbing a few clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to a friends room. I'll be staying there for sometime." Hyunjin says, grabbing his backpack. "Why would you care anyway?"

"Fine by me." Felix says, turning around and facing away from Hyunjin.

Hyunjin looks at Felix one last time, considering whether he could just apologize and finish this, but his foolish ego prevented him and let him walk out of that door, and to a friends room.

Felix turns back, staring at the open door.

He didn't mean to actually kick the other out.

He wanted to amend their friendship.

How did it become this?

Felix conscious began to talk him out of the guilt, and Felix agreed, It wasn't his fault anyway.

It isn't my fault.


Word Count: 1062

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Word Count: 1062

AN: This was the shortest yet, but I might work on an update later. I just kinda not like writing them fighting so the process becomes slower, but I will try to update again. (Try.)

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