Chapter 26

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"Happy Birthday..." Felix said, not dropping his smile as he came closer to Hyunjin and hugged him.

Hyunjin froze, not being able to process what was happening.

"F-For me?" He breathed out after some time, when Felix released the hug to look up at him.

"Mhm, A birthday surprise!" Felix said, holding Hyunjin's hand and leading them further into the balcony.

The taller didn't say a word, too surprised and shocked at the same time. He let himself get dragged around by Felix, Only speaking when he realized he was sat down on the table.

"H-Hyunjin?" The freckled boy called out, a little scared by the empty reaction.

"H-Huh, W-What?" Hyunjin replied, snapping out of his daze.

"Y-You don't like it?" Felix asked, his voice barely a whisper, his eyes already welling up with tears.

Hyunjin panicked, getting up and immediately drowning Felix in a hug.

"No, No, No- Felix, I love it!" Hyunjin said, smiling as his hand released the hug and looked into Felix's eyes, fondly and full of admiration.

"Y-You do?" The smaller asked, sniffling.

Hyunjin laughed, peppering small kisses onto Felix's face making the younger giggle, and close his eyes as he basked in the love Hyunjin gave him.

"I do, I really do, Angel." Hyunjin said, sitting back down, as a waiter brought their food to the table.

The nickname caught Felix off guard, making him blush. Hyunjin chuckled, wiping away the tears that had fallen on Felix's cheek.

It was then that the taller brunette noticed the outfit that Felix was wearing. A pretty black and white dress, that reached just above his knees. And damn, Hyunjin wondered who was wearing who.

"You look pretty." Hyunjin said, smiling as he saw the younger blush at the comment, the other's tiny hands coming to straighten the dress on instinct.

"Thanks.... You look handsome..." The younger said back, not able to look Hyunjin in the eye, fearing he would turn red again.

"I know." Hyunjin replied, hiding his laughter as Felix lifted his head and stared at him, unamused.


"Nothing, eat your food." Felix answered, rolling his eyes and taking his chopsticks to eat his own food.

Hyunjin lifted his chopsticks, before he dropped them, surprising Felix.

"Well, that's not nice. It's your mate-to-be's birthday, and here you are, eating yourself." Hyunjin said, huffing as he leaned back into his seat.

"What are you implying, Hyun?" Felix asked, half-knowing where this was going.

"Feed me." The taller said, pouting and leaning forward with puppy eyes.

Felix shook his head, going back to eating his food. But, how was he supposed to eat when the taller kept butting his head into it and keep pouting at him like that?

"FINE!" Felix said, giving in and feeding Hyunjin. The other smiled in content, happily accepting the food.

"You're such a baby." Felix said, still feeding the other nonetheless.

"Your baby." The older replied smugly, winking.

Felix rolled his eyes, giggling as he fed Hyunjin the rest of his food, the other eagerly eating every spoon like a hungry puppy.

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