Chapter 17

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Felix dashed back home in a hurry, the white plastic bag brushing against his legs as he opened the door quietly. 

He peeked inside the room, finding a figure buried under the black covers of his bed. 

Felix sighed in relief, tip-toeing into the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't make much of a racket making his famous chocolate brownies.

He got to work almost immediately, setting his ingredients to the side and following the memory engraved in his head and his hand moving automatically to grab ingredients and mix them. His mother had taught him this recipe when he was a kid, and sharing it with Hyunjin meant a lot to him.

He quickly made the batter, dipping a finger in the mix and checking whether it was alright, nodding to himself and placing it in the pre-heated oven carefully, setting it to 20 minutes for 180°C.

Setting an alarm for 20 minutes later on his phone, he went out of the dorm-room, deciding to visit Minho and Jisung in their apartment, carrying a packet of brownies he had made earlier.

After sometime, the oven made a sound, Felix's alarm going off for the brownies at the same time. What the younger male didn't think of was the fact that the alarm would inevitably wake up the taller male sleeping in the bedroom, groaning as he got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. He turned off the buzzing alarm  of the phone on the kitchen counter, and it was then he noticed the warm smell in the room.

Felix ran inside the room, closing the door behind him and apologizing to Hyunjin for waking him up. Hyunjin waved it off with a yawn, saying it was time he got up anyway.

"What were you doing?" Hyunjin asks, sitting down and watching the smaller boy pull out the baking pan out of the oven and setting it down.

"Was baking." Felix said shortly, blowing on the brownies and setting them down on to a plate.

He cut out a square piece, blowing on it and giving it to Hyunjin.

The taller took it, biting into it. His eyes widened second later, chewing faster and swallowing the first piece.

"This- Damn, you weren't kidding when you said you baked!" Hyunjin said, happily munching on the rest of the piece.

 Felix smiled, even though a light pink tint was seen on his cheeks. He took his own piece and ate it as well. Getting up after to cut the rest of the brownies and put it into a box.

Felix handed Hyunjin another piece before closing the box and keeping it away.

Hyunjin was chewing on his piece of brownie when Felix was setting away the ingredients.

"You've got, a bit of um... everything on you." Hyunjin said, pointing at the mess on flour and chocolate smeared all over his body. 

Felix looked at his shirt, trying to rub off the chocolate, with no avail. Hyunjin chuckled, coming closer to the younger boy and lifting the latter's face.

"It's all over your face too." The taller said, gazing warmly into Felix's chocolate orbs. He leant down a little further, not noticing the closeness. His finger swiped off a piece of brownie on the younger's lip, eating it after.

"Funny. Somehow that piece tastes sweeter." Hyunjin commented, not noticing the younger who was blushing a deep red.

Hyunjin retreated to his seat, the sound of the chair pulling against the floor making Felix unfreeze and continue setting away the ingredients.

"Thanks, Felix. That was really good!" Hyunjin said, eating the rest of his second brownie.

Felix glanced at Hyunjin, and then the brownies, the words Chan had told him earlier looping in his head.

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