Chapter 23

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"That'll be enough for today, class. You may disperse." The vocal teacher, Jihyo, announced. The students began exiting the room one by one, Hyunjin included. He bowed towards the teacher and left the room, walking to the exit of the university.

"Hwang! Wait!" A voice shouted behind him, and the brunette turned around, watching in confusion as a student ran towards him.

"Momo- ssi is calling you. She also requested that you bring Felix with you." The student said, panting as he pointed towards the staffroom a few classes away.

"Oh, umm...Okay, Thank you for telling me." The taller male said, looking at the dance room. 

"No problem!" The student said quickly, before hurrying towards his friends that were waiting at the exit.

Hyunjin took out his phone, dialing Felix's number.


There was a few sounds from the other side, and a loud crash.

"Felix?" Hyunjin asked in worry.

"Oh, Hey, Hyun- Don't worry, I just knocked over my books from the table. Why'd you call?" The boy asked, his voice becoming clearer.

"Come to the University, ground floor staffroom. Momo- seonsaengnim asked for us both." Hyunjin said quickly, looking at his watch.

"Why?" Felix asked, his voice a little farther away. Hyunjin assumed he had put him on speaker and gone to put his shoes.

"I don't know! Just come." Hyunjin said, tapping his foot on the floor.

"Alright, Alright, I'm coming!" Felix said, hanging up after.

Hyunjin put his phone back in his pocket, and waited by the entrance of the university, looking for the short freckled Australian.

A few minutes later, the figure of the mentioned boy ran through the mass of students gathered at the courtyard.

"I'm here!" The boy panted after reaching the taller male who was waiting at the entrance.

"You good, mate?" Hyunjin asked, leaning down to check on Felix.

The shorter boy nodded, dragging the older inside the university and to the staffroom.

Felix opened the door slowly, looking for their teacher, who looked up at the sound.

She gestured them both to come to her table with a smile, putting her glasses to the side.

"Good Afternoon, Hwang, Lee." 

"Afternoon, Ma'am." The two chorused, in response. The woman smiled, a bit different than normal when she took out an envelope.

"I have great news for the two of you!" She started, her smile becoming more and more wider with each word.

The pair looked at each other and then at their teacher, confusion written all over their faces.

"I received an email this morning from the JYP himself, and its regarding the both of you. It seems, He had been very impressed by your performance at the recital, and it was so moving that he decided to enroll the two of you in a dance competition that is to take place in 3 months. June 18, I believe." The teacher said, handing an envelope to the two excited males.

"A competition!?" Felix said, almost jumping out of his shoes in excitement.

"Yes, It's a very prestigious one thats held for ballet dancers across the world. I think you've both got what it takes to win it, and it is with no doubt that you are splendid dancers. It will also bring a lot of pride were you both to win it." Momo added, watching with a proud expression as the two smiled at each other.

"But, I missed out a very important detail." The black-haired woman said, putting her papers to the side and taking out one paper.

"You shall be travelling, the competition in not held in Korea." The woman said, grabbing a pen and writing down a few things on the paper.

"Then where?" Felix asked, confused.

"France." The teacher smiled, pushing the paper towards the two.

"If the both of you are willing to participate, please sign this registration paper, and the rest of the expenses will be taken care of by the university. All you need to do is practice hard for the event. You shall be provided with a private dance room as well." Momo added with a smile, tapping her nails on the desk and pushing the pen forward as well.

Hyunjin looked at Felix, asking for his confirmation as well. Felix nodded excitedly, and Hyunjin took the pen, signing his name and the shorter brunette did the same.

"Wonderful!" Momo said, and signed her name at the bottom of the paper, reaching out to the black telephone at the side of the table.

"Good luck, boys!" She said, before engaging in a conversation with JYP, which the pair assumed to be about the event.

The two quietly exited the room, and once they were out, Felix looked around the halls, screaming when he found no-one.

Hyunjin covered his ears, waiting for the boy to stop jumping around.

"OH MY GOD! HYUN- WE'RE GOING TO A COMPETETION! IN FRANCE!" The freckled boy screamed, his eyes sparkling with joy.

Hyunjin chuckled, hugging the smaller boy in delight and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Yes, Felix." He said simply, letting the boy shout and jump around.

The next few seconds were blurry, Felix accidentally stepped on his own foot while jumping, making him yelp and loose his balance. He twirled in his spot for a few seconds before falling onto Hyunjin, who instinctively wrapped his hands around the younger and prevented his fall.

"Careful, Lixie." Hyunjin said, chuckling again as he raised the boy slowly.

Felix blushed, apologizing quickly and running outside.

A breeze blew in as the freckled Australian opened the door to get outside and blowing his hair in all directions.

Hyunjin came from behind, back-hugging the younger as he leaned into his embrace. Turning the freckled around, Hyunjin leant down quickly to peck Felix's lips, missing the cherry taste.

Felix smiled, tip-toeing to place a haste kiss on Hyunjin's cheek, his own cheeks burning red.

"Oi, Lovebirds! Take it outside!" A voice called, from behind them, making Felix blush in embarrassment and run outside into the courtyard.

Hyunjin stared from behind Felix, smiling to himself as the boy ran around in the grass, his arms spread out like he was flying. A familiar warmth spread around his chest, and it took a while for him to realize that he had been blushing as well.

"Oh, Felix... The things you do to me..."

Word Count: 1074

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Word Count: 1074

AN: Look who decided to bless ya'll with a double update :)

(On a side note, New scenes and ideas in coming chapters!)

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