Chapter 20

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Hyunjin and Felix were at the theater, deciding which movie they wanted to see.

"How about a random movie that seems to have the least people in the room?" Hyunjin suggested, seeing as how they both couldn't pick a movie.

Felix nodded, agreeing with the idea. Hyunjin latched their arms together, and walked around to the desk to purchase tickets.

After asking the lady at the desk, they got a room which had only 12 people for the next viewing. They gave their tickets to the man at the entrance, who checked it and let them both in.

The both of them took a seat at the front of the theater, and they waited for the movie to begin, the screen lighting up to show the first few ads.

The movie began and after a few second to the intro the title of the movie showed up.

"Hyunjin, I fucking hate you." 

The taller male broke out into laughter, silently shushing himself remembering that he was in a theater.

"I swear, I didn't know. This is just your bad luck." Hyunjin says, watching as the freckled younger unconsciously seated himself closer to Hyunjin.

Felix glared at Hyunjin, only to shrink back into his seat when the chilling music started playing from the sides of the theater.

The scenes that followed weren't nice to say the least.

Scratch that, it was horrifying.

Felix was already clinging onto Hyunjin's shirt, bunching the material in his tiny hands that were clenched into fists.

It didn't stop Felix from watching the movie, however. It was terrifying, yes, but interesting at the same time.

Halfway through the movie, Hyunjin turned to look at Felix who was hiding his face with his miniature hands, peeking through to see bits of the movie. 

But then he noticed something else.

The empty seat next to Felix, wasn't quite empty.

A middle-aged man had taken a seat next to the freckled younger, and his hand was resting on the armrest of his chair. 

Alerted, Hyunjin kept watching the man, as his hand slowly inched further than his armrest and into Felix's space, very close to touching the boy.

And the younger didn't even notice, absorbed into the movie.

Hyunjin snarled under his breath, pulling Felix from his seat and setting the younger onto his lap instead.

Felix yelped at the sudden movement, looking at Hyunjin questioningly.

"Why-"Focus on the movie, baby." Hyunjin said shortly, making them both comfortable. Felix felt the heat rise in his cheeks, dismissing the pet name quickly to focus on the movie.

Hyunjin glared at the man who looked at him disturbed. He left quickly, gritting his teeth in annoyance for not being able to get what he wanted.

Felix relaxed into Hyunjin's chest, looking at the movie. Suddenly, there was a scream and the next scene wasn't the least bit pretty. Felix shrieked, his hand coming to intertwine with Hyunjin's unconsciously.

Hyunjin smiled, patting Felix's head with his free hand and rubbing circles on his intertwined hand.

Needless to say, after the movie was over, Felix was practically attached to Hyunjin like a koala, refusing to let go.

The taller didn't mind it one bit, finding it adorable. It was endearing to him, how Felix was showing more of his cute side.

They exited the movie theater, and Hyunjin decided to walk home, but intentionally took a much more busier and crowded way back to the university, not wanting the past to repeat itself.

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