Chapter 10

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The next morning, in class, Hyunjin keeps an extra careful eye on Felix. He knew what was planned was only to be conducted during cafeteria break, but it wouldn't hurt to steal glances time to time. (And maybe even admire him from afar)

Felix, on the hand, was completely oblivious to everything. He had no idea of the glances of Wooyoung and Mingi in between classes, and how Mingi would always check his bag every few seconds. He also had no idea of the brunette dancer behind him burning holes through his back.

The class went smoothly, and thankfully the teacher didn't say about the partners selected for the recital. Which meant that Felix didn't even have to think about Hyunjin, and that help him concentrate better in class.

Unfortunately, that was not the case for Hyunjin.

"Hwang-ssi, I suggest you start dancing according the routine that has been shown, and not stare at Mr. Lee like you're about to murder him." Momo said, snapping the older out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, Ma'am." The boy muttered, going to a corner of the room and looking at the other students and grasping a bit of the routine.

What he didn't see was that while he walked to the corner of the room, he accidentally brushed past Felix, which made the boy turn back at him.

Hyunjin continued to practice, not knowing that it was now Felix who was staring at him, hiding his smile.

The shorter boy quickly shook his head, removing his smile. Just as he was about to turn back to Wooyoung, he saw Hyunjin confused with the routine, looking at the other students for help.

Felix quickly walked forward, with and intention of helping Hyunjin, only to be pulled back by Wooyoung.

"Hey, Felix- You think you could help me with this bit?" And Felix being Felix, couldn't refuse, forgetting about Hyunjin.

And that's how the class continued, Felix often stealing glances at Hyunjin when the other didn't know, and vice-versa. And behind it all, watched a very amused Momo.


"Alright class, You are dismissed for today. Please continue your practices for the routine and recital, for the rest of the day."

The class sighed in relief, the three hours of dancing eating at their limbs. Everyone hurried, here and there, grabbing bags or whatever they had bought and exited the room.

Most of them headed towards the cafeteria to grab lunch, while some headed towards the dorms, or outside the university for food outside. From the group that went to the cafeteria, Hyunjin could roughly catch a glimpse of the short, freckled, brown-haired boy that ran past him.

He followed behind, making sure not to make it obvious. He sat two table behind Felix, and waited patiently for the younger to sit on his usual table.

And just as Hyunjin predicted, Felix came by to sit on the table after collecting his food. He was just about to dig in, when another familiar student came approaching them.


Hyunjin stopped eating, sneaking up behind Felix. Hiding behind the group of students near the shorter boy's table.

The tallest of them, Mingi showed Felix the carton on milk, with pleading eyes.

From the position Hyunjin was in, he could make out bits of their conversation.

"Hey, Felix? Would you mind exchanging?"

"Sure, but what?"

"This carton of flavored milk for your almond milk."

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