Chapter 24

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Felix was looking at his phone, following the recipe on the screen as he added the ingredients into the pan infront of him.

Just as he was about add his chopped green onions, an arm wrapped around his waist, making him spill a little of the onion in surprise.

He relaxed when he recognized the intruder, sighing as he cleaned up the spilled contents on the kitchen counter, stirring the food in the pot.

"What are you making?" The taller brunette asked, not letting Felix go. He walked around behind him, still hugging him as the younger cooked.

"Vegetable stew and rice. Get me that ladle, will you?" Felix asked, pointing towards the silver utensil a little too far for him to reach.

Hyunjin reached out with one hand, easily picking it up and handing it to the younger boy, his other hand still holding on to the younger boy.

Felix began stirring the pot, resting his hand on the counter after some time, his hand getting tired.

Hyunjin noticed this, turning the boy around on the counter and picking him up easily, placing him on the empty countertop. The taller male grabbed the ladle from the younger's hand, subtly kissing Felix's hand in the process.

"I'll do it." Was all he said, before doing the same thing that Felix was doing a few minutes ago, stirring the pot.

After some time, the liquid inside began to boil, and Hyunjin let it do so for awhile after going to switch off the stove.

The taller turned towards the boy on the counter, placing his hands on either sides of the younger's legs and gazing up fondly at him. 

"Hyunjin, I have to serve the food..." Felix whined, realizing he was stuck and had no way out.

"It's still hot. Let it cool down for a bit." The taller responded, his hand coming to caress Felix's cheek, who leaned into the touch with closed eyes.

"Then, what do you plan to do?" The Australian asked, opening his eyes and looking at Hyunjin.

"This-" Hyunjin said abruptly, pulling the freckled boy's chin and kissing him, his hand coming to the boy's waist.

Felix melted into the kiss, his hands instinctively holding Hyunjin's shoulders for support. It was a sweet and innocent kiss, that is, until Hyunjin poked his tongue on Felix's lips.

Felix pulled out of the kiss, a little dazed. Hyunjin only licked his lips, admiring the view. His eyes landed on the boy's soft pink lips, which were redder and shinier now.

"Hyunjin, The food-"Oh, shut up, there's still time-" The taller said, latching their lips together again, and this time, his hands went lower on Felix's exposed thighs. Squeezing them lightly, the younger finally allowed permission, their tongues clashing.

It took only bite on Felix's bottom lip to show who was on top, and Felix immediately gave up, letting Hyunjin do as he pleased with him.

After a very long make-out session, the younger was the first to pull out for air again, pushing Hyunjin to the side and hopping off the counter and taking the pot off the stove and pouring some of the stew into a bowl and placing it on the table.

Hyunjin took a seat, being a bit whiny since Felix just had to insist on the food. 

"Oh, stop being a baby! Here-" The younger began, leaning down to drop a very quick kiss on Hyunjin's lips. 

"Happy? Now eat. The food is getting cold." The boy said, trying to be nonchalant about it, failing when his cheeks flushed pink anyway.

Hyunjin smiled, mouthing a 'happy' and then digging into his own food.

"So, You want to know what's in the envelope?" Hyunjin asked out of the blue, referring to the white envelope that had been given to them earlier in the day by Momo.

"I mean, I do. But finish your food and then we'll see." Felix said, already quarter done with his portion of the rice.

Hyunjin nods, eating quickly and then downing a glass of water.

"Now?" He asks, after swallowing his water.

Felix rolls his eyes, swallowing a few more spoons of the rice.

"Yeah, Okay." The boy says after placing their dishes in the sink and washing his mouth.

Hyunjin went into the bedroom for a quick second, to take the envelope. He returned with the white cover, a red seal on the front of the letter. The seal had big white letters with 'JYP' written in bold.

They opened the letter, a white paper inside, decorated finely with gold on the borders. The message inside was written with black calligraphy that the two struggled to read.


Greetings from the Paris Opera Ballet (Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris)

It is with great honor that we invite Lee Felix and Hwang Hyunjin to this year's annual Ballet Competition (Concours de ballet). Further details are attached below, and shall be informed through the university. 

We look forward to your participation in this great show. 

Good Luck, dancers!


The paper was more lengthy than they imagined, the rest of the paper having details of what they must bring, where they would stay and what they would be provided in the period of three months for their stay. 

"Our departure date is on the 30th of March." Felix said, pointing at the bottom line of the paper.

Hyunjin nodded, scanning the paper for other information.

"We've got some time... But we'll be staying there for three whole months! And then we return on July 5th."

Felix hums in understanding, glancing at Hyunjin once awhile.

"You think we can do it?" The boy asked in a hushed voice, not knowing how the older would react.

"Course I think we can do it! Felix, you have no idea how much I've wanted this, and ever since you've arrived, I honestly could not be more thankful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to use you, all I'm saying is that- half the things we've accomplished now, it's thanks to you."

Felix smiled, hugging the older.

"Thank you, Felix." The taller Saud quietly, hugging the shorter boy back.

Felix only smiled, hugging the older make tighter.

Their journey was just beginning.

Their journey was just beginning

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Word Count: 1195

AN: Hey Ya'll. So, I should probably get one thing out of the way here. I will not be labelling Hyunlix as a couple or any sort until Felix makes  his final decision whether he want Hyunjin as his mate. Let's just take the 6 months as courting time, hence I shall not be labelling them as Boyfriends or anything, since it is unnescary. 

Also, There is another detail that most of you might get confused with. Felix takes heat suppressants, that should be taken every two months to avoid his heat. However after 3 consumptions, i.e. 6 months, it is necessary that Felix avoid the pills to allow a full heat to pass. This is just in case you were confused how his heat worked with suppressants.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

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