Chapter 34

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Second day started off alright. 

Felix was normal in the morning, and he got out of the room, meeting Hyunjin in the main space. It was awkward for a few minutes, both of them just staring at each other blankly. Eventually they walked into the bathroom, brushing together in silence.

"You okay?" Hyunjin asked first, putting his toothbrush back in the cup, looking at Felix in worry.

Felix looked at Hyunjin through the mirror, spitting out the paste and gargling some water.

"Yeah... Mostly... Just tired..." Felix responded, his voice raspy and broken from all the crying yesterday.

Hyunjin smiled, and Felix smiled back through the mirror, and the both of them walked out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen.

"You know what, Go rest. I'll make breakfast. Is pancakes okay?" Hyunjin said, taking the pan from Felix hand and leaving a quick peck on the younger's cheek.

Felix looked shocked for a moment, then blushing as he nodded, going into the bedroom to rest for some time.

"Don't burn the kitchen down, okay!?" Felix shouted making Hyunjin laugh.

"I'll try!"


Felix had eaten breakfast, and the two had shared some jokes and small talk while eating. Hyunjin had taken some pictures of the stage, and he spent the time showing them to Felix and explaining all the stylists he had met, so that when Felix came there he would it easier to identify everyone.

He heated up the soup he hadn't been able to deliver to Felix yesterday, giving it to the boy two hours after breakfast. His fever was still there, and Hyunjin knew better than to call it just a fever. But if it reduces his tired and burning condition, then anything was fine.

After breakfast, Felix had retired to this bedroom, and Hyunjin had delivered the soup there. The next step to his heat was nesting.

Hyunjin had brought some extra pillows and blankets after explaining the situation to the hotel staff, who were more than willing to give it to him. Felix was thankful that the older was still there, helping him through this even though he had the option to just leave.

Felix was building his nest, putting the pillows and blankets in an arrangement which seemed suitable to him. It was a tent of some sort, and the freckled boy retired inside it, reading a book while looking at the steady ticking of the clock. 

It was around 3 in the afternoon that the symptoms started again, the book he was holding dropped on the blanket floor. His body began to tremble, heating up again. Shivering he looked at the door of his room. Hyunjin would be in the main space, probably watching TV or chilling on the couch. He had promised not to leave till Felix's heat ended.

He had barely an hour before his full heat struck, and although his mind was half-hazed now, he forced himself to think properly. 

He had to tell Hyunjin what he had decided, and it should be before his full heat struck, otherwise the older would think he was bluffing under the influence of his heat.

"Hyunjin..." He called out weakly. His voice was barely heard, but he knew Hyunjin would hear it. The older had a very sharp sense of hearing. 

Hyunjin heard it alright, and he doubted whether to go at the moment. But from the way Felix was calling him, it was different, not like yesterday. He got up from the couch, throwing his phone somewhere as he ran towards the bedroom.

There were rushed footsteps, and the door opened immediately. Long brown locks of hair peeked out from the behind the door, and then Hyunjin's head, his eyes looking around for the boy.

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