Chapter 18

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Felix couldn't sleep. 

He had been tossing and turning in bed all night long, unable to close his eyes without thinking about the recital next morning. He looked at his right and saw the empty bed next to him, panicking for a second.

Oh wait, Hyunjin had gone to his friends for the night.

He sighed, looking at his alarm clock next to him and groaned, thrashing his legs on the bed and making the blanket fall off.

3:34 AM

 He had four more hours before the alarm went off. He needed to be at the back-stage room at 7:00 AM.

He rubbed his eyes, getting up out of bed and walking to the kitchen. He thought maybe drinking some water and taking a walk around the dorms would help calm his mind.

He put on his jacket and shoes, getting out of the apartment and taking the elevator to the university courtyard.

At the day, the courtyard would be bustling with activity and crowded with students. But right now, it was silent and peaceful, not a peek or whisper.

Course, who would be at the courtyard at 3 in the morning?

Felix strolled around the green area, taking some time to slow his breathing and clear his mind from the recital tomorrow. 

He spotted a bench, sitting on it and clutching on the jacket. The night was particularly cold, and he was shivering. It was then that the boy noticed the jacket he had taken wasn't his, it wasn't his honey smell on it.

He touched the jacket, raising the side just a bit to smell it, his stomach feeling warm and hot when he recognized the cinnamon smell.


This was the jacket Hyunjin had given him on their first... date.

Felix looked at the jacket, smoothening it and removing the crinkles on it. He sniffed it again, feeling attached with the smell. Looking around for anyone who was watching him, he took off the jacket just a bit and held it even closer, hugging it like a blanket and closing his eyes.

And without realizing it, he fell asleep, the sweet smell calming him and giving him a sense of comfort.


It was about an hour later that the boy woke up again, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. He looked around wondering who woke him up from his slumber.

And there it was, sweet and warm eyes staring at him.

Felix squeaked, his hands flying to the jacket in surprise. Then, he realized it was Hyunjin staring at him. 


Hyunjin got up from the ground, and it was then Felix realized that the taller was kneeling down. Felix looked around, noticing the sky was still dark but not as pitch black as it was an hour earlier.

Hyunjin extended a hand, getting Felix on his feet.

"Gosh, you're freezing." Hyunjin stated, keeping Felix's hands in his and warming them up.

Without even realizing it, the taller brought Felix closer, his arms instinctively wrapper around the younger as an effort to keep it warm. Hyunjin used his own jacket to cover Felix, and walked them both towards the dorms.

Thank goodness it was dark, or else Hyunjin would've seen how red Felix was.

Hyunjin pressed the elevator door, pulling Felix in with him, the taller's arms still hugging the younger.

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