Chapter 28

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The morning wake-up call had been a panicking (blushing) mess for the two of them, as the two woke up with a more than friendly distance with their faces at the break of dawn. After a quick breakfast, the passengers quickly arranged themselves for landing. 

The speakers made a creaking noise, and the two straightened themselves listening intently to the landing announcement. 

"Your attention please, all passengers please put on your seatbelts and keep your bags and other belongings safely, we will be landing shortly."

(Help me, I don't remember what exactly the announcements were-)

It didn't take long for Hyunjin to understand the desperate look for the younger Australian, who looked too white to be healthy. The taller male chuckled under his breath, finding the shorter boy's fear quite adorable. He reached his hand out, forgetting the earlier tension and intertwined their hands together. 

The aircraft began to descend slowly, and the younger boy made an attempt to grab Hyunjin's shoulder in fear, his fingers trembling and knuckled white from how tight they were wrapped around each finger of the taller male.

With a gasp and the sudden noise from the wheels of the plane, the younger boy hid himself in his jacket, and if they hadn't been in such a situation, Hyunjin would have gladly pinched the younger's cheeks and called a few dozen synonyms of the words 'cute', but the former held himself back as the aircraft slowed down.

After a few agonizing seconds for the younger boy, and a few fractured bones for Hyunjin, the pair got out of their seats, the taller of the two helping to get their baggage out of the top compartment for obvious reasons, and they joined the line that was forming to get out of the aircraft.

"Woah..." Felix gasped, looking around the new scenery that welcomed them both. The air smelled fresh and new, and it looked nor smelled nothing like Seoul. 

"Yeah, Woah..." Hyunjin followed awestruck, breath taken by the view. 

After a few more seconds of staring, the two took out the pamphlet that was given by Momo weeks ago, looking carefully for the instructions once they had arrived.

"There's a map, to where we should go. First we have to head to the dance academy, and hand in the invitation letter, which you brought- right?" Hyunjin asked, reading the instructions.

"Yup, right here." Felix asked, fishing out the red-sealed envelope from his bag.

"Great, Let's get going!" Hyunjin cheered lightly, putting back the pamphlet and opening the map instead.

After a confusing set of directions by the taller brunette, the pair finally found themselves in a bus, mostly thanks to the small but helpful amount of French the Australian had learned as a kid.

The bus they were taking came to a halt, and Felix dragged the stumbling Hyunjin out of the vehicle. The taller stood confused at the front of the bus, his eyes desperately searching the map.

"Next time, I'll take the map." Felix says wit a deep sigh, pulling the confused alpha across the streets and towards the huge white dome building infront of them. 

They entered the building, not a single word exchanged from the two, as they were awestruck once more. It was set up beautifully, posh and perfect. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, and probably two- three smaller ones next to it. A wide array of white marble stairs infront led upstairs, and a huge wooden door leading into the first floor.

"Bonjour! Puis-je vous aider les garçons ?" A distinguished voice called out from next to them, and Felix looked around for the sound.

("Hello! Can I help you boys?")

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