Chapter 36

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The sun shone the white curtains of the window and on the young Australian's face, who opened his eyes groggily, cursing at the sun for waking him up. His brunette hair was sprayed messily all over the pillow, and his tiny fists came to rub his eyes, slowly getting up from bed.

When he realized his back hurt like shit.

He got off from bed, only to fall down on the carpeted floor minutes later, groaning as a sting shot up from his legs to his spine, his ass sore and numb.

And that's also the time he realized he was naked.

The freckled boy looked around in confusion, then at the taller male who was sound asleep on the bed, the white blanket covering his lower region, his naked torso on display for the younger boy.

Felix tried to get up again, barely managing to get up and plopped himself on the bed, covering himself with the blanket. 

He couldn't get up, that was certain. He decided to wait until the older woke up as well, knowing that it wouldn't be too long, since the sun was trying oh-so hard today.

"Ugh, What's with the light..." Hyunjin groaned, rubbing his eyes as he opened them, adjusting to the sunlight in the room. He got up, looking at the bed and searching for the younger boy, who was staring at his body with wide eyes, pulling the blanket up to his face, his eyes only being visible.

Hyunjin chuckled, as he neared the boy's face, pecking his forehead.

"Morning, Baby..." He mumbled, and Felix's ears turned beet red at the nickname.

"Morning..." Felix replied, his voice muffled by the blanket.

Hyunjin yawned, getting up from bed, the blanket slipping down to his legs, and Felix was relieved that Hyunjin was wearing his boxers.

"Like what you're seeing, Sunshine?" Hyunjin asked, smirking as he stretched his arms, his muscles flexing, as Felix gulped.

The younger boy didn't reply, blushing as he hid himself under the covers, and the older laughed at his reaction.

"Hyunjin... Did we...?" Felix asked shyly, not looking out of the blanket cover he created.

"Look at your neck, baby." Hyunjin said slyly, still smirking as Felix did as told, moving under the blanket. 

There was a small gasp, and Felix peeked out of the covers, looking at Hyunjin with wide eyes.

"So, I went into heat yesterday, and y-you marked me, and I don't want to assume this, but also knotted me..." Felix concluded, still wide-eyed.

Hyunjin nodded, chuckling as Felix went under the covers again to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

The taller male came closer to the edge of the bed were Felix was laying down, crouching down so he could lift the blanket, looking at Felix from under the blanket.

"That's right, Felix... You are now officially mine." 

Felix made a sound, somewhere between a shriek and a yelp, as Hyunjin got up and picked him up, carrying him.

"Put me down!" Felix whined, swinging his legs around.

"Sure, just make sure you don't topple down again." Hyunjin said with a wink, and Felix gasped again, hitting Hyunjin's chest in embarrassment. 

"Let's get ready then, today we have to get you to the opera to meet the team." Hyunjin said, going into the bathroom.


"You both were loud, like loud loud, like loud loud lou-" Renjun says, while Felix whined behind him, his tiny hands flying to the manager's mouth to shut him up.

"So, that's why the hallway was empty?" Hyunjin asked, who had noticed all the rooms next to theirs that had been previously occupied were now wide open, the hotel attendants cleaning them out.

"Yup. They all left yesterday evening, when ya'll were getting at it." Renjun says winking, leading them out of the hotel.

"Anyway, I assume you both are a couple now? Don't try Felix, I saw it already." Renjun comments, chuckling as the youngest tried desperately to pull the blue sweater he was wearing to cover his neck.

"Yup, mated and together." Hyunjin says, raising an eyebrow with a grin.

"Well, I'm glad." Renjun replied, patting Felix on the back as they entered the opera.

Felix easily got along with the new staff, his reputation as a social butterfly not being just a statement. He collects men and women alike, wherever he walks, Renjun stated earlier to the taller male, who was watching the boy interact with the staff.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Hyunjin asks warily, still watching the younger boy like a hawk.

"Both, don't restrict him, but make sure he's safe at the same time. Although, since he's mated now, I don't think there will be too much of a problem anymore." Renjun says, saying bye quickly as the director called him from the side of the room.

Hyunjin walked towards the smaller boy, who was talking with a male producer, who would be recording their performance. The man was close, and Hyunjin didn't like one bit. And Felix? He was way too engrossed in talking that he didn't notice himself getting closed in by the wall.

"Baby, the director's calling, we better get going..." Hyunjin said, wrapping in arm around the younger boy's waist, hugging his closer to himself as he side-eyed the man, who had looked at Hyunjin with a stare, that wasn't so friendly.

Felix blushed, nodding as Hyunjin led him to the main stage. Hyunjin let Felix go, stopping at the exit of the green room to face the producer.

"Don't you dare try anything with my Felix, or you might be losing your job and quite possibly, your entire career." Hyunjin threatened, glaring as he left the room, mentally-noting to speak of this with Renjun later.

And probably tell Felix how to distinguish between a good person and a bad.

And probably tell Felix how to distinguish between a good person and a bad

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Word Count: 1061

AN: This isn't much at all, since I have two more books in progress, and not to mention school. So, I might start updating once every week now, according to time. If I do get extra time, I'll write drafts and post them weekly. This was a crappy chapter, but I will try to make the next one more interesting. 

Stay Safe <3

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