Chapter 14

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"Felix, you've got-" The taller began, leaning forward the the younger boy who sat confused. Hyunjin reached his thumb out, his finger brushing against the younger's lip as he swiped a small bit of strawberry off.

"There." Hyunjin said, smirking to himself at how Felix's cheeks turned pink as the taller took the bit of strawberry he had wiped off and eat it himself instead.

After Hyunjin had finished his ice-cream and checked his phone for any messages from their leader.

"Chan says we got about 40 minutes more. What do you want to do?" Hyunjin asks, getting up from the grass and offering a hand to Felix.

Felix got up as well, straightening his skirt as he looked around the park.

"How about the Ferris wheel?" Felix suggests, pointing towards the big circle ride not too far from them.

Hyunjin nodded in agreement, and two began to walk towards the wheel, Felix skipping ahead.

"Hey, Felix- Isn't that Seungmin and Innie?" Hyunjin asks, pointing at a couple walking together, the taller one of them continuously poking the shorter.

"Definitely them." Felix said, noticing Seungmin trying to eat Jeongin's hair, as the shorter groaned in annoyance.

Felix called out to them, watching in amusement as the two turned back with shocked faces. Felix took a step forward, deciding to meet them, but stopped as soon as he realized he had lost the couple in the crowd.

Hyunjin shrugged, taking Felix's hand, and continuing their walk to the Ferris wheel.

"Guess they don't want us interrupting their date." Felix mused, laughing.

"And I don't want them ruining ours." Hyunjin replied, smugly as he felt a sudden pang of confidence.

Felix had felt tired at how much his cheeks kept burning, but he couldn't help it this time either, immediately turning red. He whined as he tried rubbing his cheeks and trying to somehow remove it.

Hyunjin laughed next to him, his hold of Felix's hand becoming tighter as he did. Felix hit his arm playfully, a silent request for the older to shut up. But has Hyunjin ever listened.

They reached the wheel, as the two payed their fee and got into a cabin, the two still holding hands and Hyunjin helping Felix in the shaky compartment.

Once they were in, Felix sighed in relief, looking outside the transparent walls.

Suddenly, the cabin jerked a little, indicating it had started. Felix jumped a little at the sudden movement, unconsciously holding on to the older.

The two watched as their compartment rose off the ground, and the view of Seoul became more clearer.

They ride was slow, and it allowed them both to take in the scenery, Felix's eyes widening in amazement at the beautiful city, decorated in pretty lights since the sun was setting next to them.

The amber, red and yellow rays of light from the setting sun spreading on the blue sea underneath them, the spectrum of colors making the place absolutely spectacular, lighting up the pink sky as a flock of birds flew above them.

Hyunjin was watching another beauty, the pretty boy next to him with sparkling eyes of joy and wonder. The way his pink freckled cheeks simply lit up under the dimming light of the sun, they way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and lips twisted into an oh so blinding smile.

His lips.

Hyunjin simply could not take his eyes off Felix, and the younger felt his stare, tearing his eyes away from the scene and on Hyunjin instead, who was no lesser of a view than the Seoul city outside.

Felix was in awe, as he was entranced by the deep brown eyes, looking at him with almost the exact same wonder, unconsciously scooting closer to him, and setting their intertwined hands on his lap.

The Australian had to look up, his eyes locking with Hyunjin's as the ray of orange light feel between them both, and Hyunjin pulled them even closer if that was possible.

They were reaching the top of the wheel, and Hyunjin pulled Felix's face closer by the younger's chin and glancing at Felix's lips, hesitating.

A sudden feeling of guilt came over him, and Hyunjin looked away from Felix for a second.

"H-Hyunjin...?" Felix whispered, his voice so small that it was almost impossible to hear him.

The taller brunette looked at Felix, his eyes trailing along Felix's features, and stopping at the same piece of art over and over again.

His cherry, red lips.

Hyunjin's hand moved from Felix's chin, brushing the younger's lip gently.

Hyunjin glanced at Felix once more, looking for any signs of fear or dislike, finding none.

The taller bit his lip, his hands shaking.

"Felix... C-Can I...?" He asks gently, his voice so soft and caring.

Felix closed his eyes, as a confirmation and Hyunjin immediately attached their lips together, as the cabin they were in reached the top.

It was magical, and for a second the pair felt as if they were floating. The warmness settling in their stomachs as the two kissed under the setting sun, and the colorful array of light shone on them from above, illuminating the two in the darkening sky.

It was a magical, euphoria even.

Hyunjin felt content, as he finally tasted the the younger boy's lips, after longing to savor them. He couldn't have regretted it one bit, as the strawberry taste of ice-cream from earlier, mixed with the boy's own cherry flavor was simple mystical, and he relished every bit of the boy, his hand from Felix's cheeks falling to his waist, rubbing small circles into it.

The two separated after a while, gasping for air. Felix had the darkest shade of red coating his cheeks, and Hyunjin was no better, although the moment they had parted, Hyunjin couldn't help but miss the feeling of the younger's lips on his own, his hand coming to touch his lips in amazement.

Felix turned away from the older, too shy to even look at the older after what happened.

The cabin stopped again, and the pair got out carefully, still red in the face. They didn't dare look at each other, afraid what the other might say.

But, it was too obvious to ignore.

They felt it too.

They like each other.

When would they begin to accept that?

When would they begin to accept that?

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Word Count: 1072

AN: Is it a bit too fast? Idk, I just felt like it would be the right moment. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter, and you guys are lucky I gave you a triple update- 

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