Chapter 3

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The two entered the grocery which was a bit challenging. Felix was new, so he didn't know the area, and although Hyunjin knew the area, he used to buy his ramen from the small store near the dorms, and he didn't know know proper grocery stores.

Felix grabbed a cart, walking around the store and selecting the ingredients for dinner that night, and for some future meals.

Looking at his watch, the Australian sighed.

8:48 PM

He looked around the stalls, picking up some ingredients for Bokumbap (Korean Fried-rice). He looked around for the basic ingredients for breakfast tomorrow and lunch later too.

Hyunjin followed him with the cart like a lost puppy, unknown of what he should do, just staring at Felix as he navigated around the place, taking things off the shelf and dropping them in the cart.

Felix walked to the cold section, looking for the eggs that would usually be refrigerated. When he found it though, he had a small problem.

They were too high.

Felix stood on his tip toes, trying his best to reach the eggs, reaching his tiny fingers as far as he could. Hyunjin had his arms placed on the cart, watching Felix try to reach the eggs.

He chuckled when the shorter boy stood back to his normal height, pouting as he stared at the eggs like they were his greatest enemy.

Felix looked at Hyunjin staring at him, who only returned a sly smile at the younger, watching as the freckled boy huffed and went back to standing on his tip toes, trying to reach the eggs again.

Hyunjin chuckled, leaving the cart to help Felix. He went behind the boy, reaching out easily and grabbing the eggs, while Felix stared at him, blushing.

"You could have asked for help sooner, you know?"

"I almost had it!" Felix protested, his arms crossed on his chest as he walked further, ignoring the smirk on Hyunjin's face.

"Sure, you did."


Felix went around, picking up some more ingredients, along with a few sweet ones for baking later.

They reached the cashier, checking out their items.

Felix and Hyunjin both reached out for their wallets, handing out their card. The cashier looked at them, confused.

Felix turned towards Hyunjin with a glare.

"I'm paying."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, refusing to lose.

"Really? Cause I thought the same."

The two began to glare at each other, a staring competition out of nowhere as the cashier tapped her long nails on the cash register, waiting for one of them to just fucking pay.

Hyunjin suddenly turned towards the side, gasping as he pointed outside.

"Look, a puppy!"

Felix turned around as well, falling for the stupid trick.

"Where?" He asked excitedly.

Hyunjin used that chance to give his card to the cashier, as the lady rolled her eyes and swiped the card, chewing the gum in her mouth as she handed the bill to Hyunjin, and pushed the grocery to the side, already put in covers.

"Aw, you missed it!" The older said, putting his card inside his wallet and grabbing a few plastic bags.

Felix pouted, believing it. He took a few covers, forgetting about paying as he was stuck about the puppy.

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