Chapter 16

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Felix and Chan seated themselves in a table near to the window, and Felix put his phone down, smiling at Chan.

"So, how have things been?" Chan started, thanking the waitress who brought them their food.

"Not much other than practicing for the recital. What about your assignment?" Felix asked back, putting his food to the side, deciding on eating later.

"Done. Although, we've got a new project concerning the recital. We have to make the tracks for the Hip-hop unit." Chan said, sighing as he played with his food.

Felix hummed acknowledgement, sipping his coffee.

"What about you and Hyunjin?" Chan asked all of a sudden, making Felix choke on his coffee.

"W-What do you m-mean, m-me and H-Hyunjin?" Felix spluttered, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"Oh, nothing. Just noticed you both have been a little close lately." Chan said, eating his food while smirking at Felix.

"There's nothing going on. We're just... roommates." Felix said, not even sure if he should settle for 'friends'.

"Sure, Lix." Chan said sarcastically, looking expectantly at the younger Australian.

 "I swear hyung, there's nothing!" Felix said, panicking.

"Sure, Lix. 'Nothing' is when you hold hands and walk towards a Ferris wheel, eat ice-cream in a park that has been made for couples to enjoy time, hence called the heart-lake park, with a certain 'roommate'. Yeah, sure, I believe that." Chan said, mocking the younger.

"Y-You saw all that?" Felix asked, confused.

"You do realize, that in an amusement park, where there are four pairs of people walking around literally everywhere, it's very likely that at least one of the pairs see each other, right?" Chan revealed, raising an eyebrow at Felix.

"I- I didn't think about that..." The younger said, sheepishly.

"Yeah, and not to mention the fact, that the same roommate-" Chan started again, quoting the 'roommate' part, "Happens to be the one you also, ahem, at the top of the Ferris Wheel." Chan said, eating his food and looking at Felix.

The younger's eyes widened in shock, holding himself back from spitting out the cake he had in his mouth.

"H-HOW-" Felix, sweetie, Minho and Jisung were walking not too far away from the Ferris wheel."

Felix sighed, leaning back on his chair. He looked at the older male infront of him and groaned knowing very well, the other would ant him to explain.

"I- Hyung, I'm not sure either." Felix said, stabbing the custard with his fork.

"Talk, and I'll help." Chan said, leaning forward and eating a piece of his food.

"I really don't know, I just... Hyung, It's been like 2 weeks since I met him, and yet, it's like the day I met him I just felt different. I'm just scared, that maybe I might be wrong, and he could- I don't really know him well enough, what if he's playing? Or just using me? Or what if I don't really like him that way, and it's just me going crazy? What if-" Felix, calm down." Chan says, stuffing a piece of cake into Felix's mouth.

"I just don't know..." Felix sighs, chewing on the cake.

"Lixie, Listen to me, now. As far as I've known Hyunjin, which is for around 3-4 years now, I know he's not the type to play around. I will tell you this, he was popular and had hundreds of people waiting on his feet. But, he never took advantage of them. Even after having the ability to exploit his power, he didn't. If there's anyone in the world I would trust taking care of my little Aussie bro, it would be him." The older started his side, looking at Felix intently.

"And from the way you both look at each other, it's quite obvious actually. But more than that, you told me you feel different. Do you feel like he's the only one in the world when you look at him? Do you feel butterflies, yet warm and hot when he's near? Do you want to be near him wherever he goes? Is he the first person you think of every second he isn't near? Is he the first person that you think of when you're sad and want comfort? Is he the first person that makes you feel special in a way nobody ever could, even though he does nothing special to make you feel that way? Felix, you're blushing." Chan says, a soft smile replacing his frown from earlier.

Felix didn't respond, deep in thought. It scared him more than ever to think of all that Chan revealed now. And it scared him because he realized.

It was all true.

Every single word.

"Whatever you decide in the end, it's up to you. But, I think you know the answer already." Chan concluded with a smile, going back to eating his food.

Neither of spoke for awhile, Felix thinking about what the older just said. 

"What should I do then?" Felix asks after some time, pushing his food away. 

"Rather than avoiding each other, and barricading yourself, why don't you start letting him see the real you?" Chan suggests, a knowing smile on his face.

Felix thought, considering the option. All this time, Hyunjin had been really nice and patient, approaching him all the time, even though Felix pushed him away each time.

"What do you think I can start with?" Felix asks, getting up and paying the waiter for the both of them even if Chan protested.

"What are you good at?" Chan answers, getting up as well and leading Felix out of the café.

Felix looked at Chan, understanding immediately. 

"Thanks Hyung!" Felix shouts, before darting down the lane towards the bakery goods store along the corner.

Chan smiled back, waving as he watched the boy enter the shop.

"I hope he finally sees everything now."

Word Count: 1020

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Word Count: 1020

AN: Again, this is short, but it's to make up for yesterday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for taking the time to read!

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