🩰 Chapter 19 🩰

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Felix was fidgeting in his seat nervously, looping the routine in his head, not forgetting a single detail.

At times like these, Hyunjin would be next to him and pat his knee telling him not to be nervous and they'll do just fine, but right now the older wasn't next to him, and it was killing the Australian boy.

The stylist called Felix forward, setting her stuff down to do the younger boy's makeup.

Felix paced towards the chair nervously, his feet shaking.

He sat down on the chair with great difficulty his limbs refusing to move.

"Breathe, sweetie." The make-up artist said kindly, a lady in her late twenties. Lee Sunmi, Felix remembers.

"You're nervous?" Sunmi asked, with a soft smile as she brushed the comb through the younger boy's hair.

Felix nodded, calming himself slowly. His stomach was churning, and he felt incredibly hot and cold at the same time, thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong.

"Relax, You'll do fine." Sunmi assured, tilting Felix's chin upwards to work on his face.

Felix nodded again, his throat refusing to make a sound.

Sunmi seemed to understand that and grabbed her make-up brush and gently started her work on Felix's cheekbones.

"My, My, You have freckles!" Sunmi gasped, peering closer and looking at the brown spots dusted across his cheeks.

"You can cover them..." Felix mumbled, that bein the first sentence he had said since arriving there.

"Oh no, Sweetie. They're beautiful, it would a crime to cover them." Sunmi said, smiling making the younger boy blush.

Sunmi left his freckles bare, and moved on to other parts, opening her drawer and getting a box.

"Which color do you like?" She asked, looking through the contact lenses.

Felix pointed to a pair, and Sunmi nodded, giving it to Felix with the solution to put it on, while she went to grab her other make-up articles.

Felix put on his hazel brown selection, and waited as Sunmi went behind him and fixed his hair patiently, glittering it just a bit to give it a shine.

After a long 30 minutes of Sunmi doing the make-up, she let the boy get up and put on his clothes.

Felix put on his clothes that were laid on in the closet by the stylist and checked himself in the mirror.

After feeling content, he came out, looking at the clock.

11:25 AM

Their performance was last, but the program had started at 8 in the morning, which meant that his performance would start in 35 minutes.

His legs felt like jelly, but he forced himself to go to the main room, sitting down on a bench.

"Fe- Oh my god..." Sunmi gasped, looking at Felix who was putting on his ankle socks.

"My, Of all the girls that have come here and went on stage for the past 4 years, y-you... you beat them all.." Sunmi said, smiling warmly at the way Felix's cheeks heat up at every compliment.

"Here, Hyuna told me to give you these." Sunmi said, referring to the stylist as she handed a white box wrapped in a pink ribbon to Felix.

Felix opened the box and hesitantly reached his hand out, afraid to touch the shoes.

"Go ahead, you'll have to be backstage in 15 minutes." Sunmi said, pointing towards the door at the other edge of the room.

Felix took the shoes out, putting them on his feet carefully. He leant forward to tie the ribbons, his fingers trembling under the white satin ribbon.

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