Chapter 7

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Felix had woken up first, going into the bathroom to freshen up and shower for the first day of class.

He was almost done in the shower and had put on the new scent-blockers and was heading out when he heard Hyunjin wake up as well. The taller stumbled lazily into the bathroom, waving at Felix while yawning. Then, he went inside to get ready as well while Felix headed out to make breakfast for the two of them. 

Felix was making breakfast when he turned around and saw Hyunjin hurry into the living room and grab his phone, but seeing something else made Felix drop the plate he was holding.

The boy's hands immediately went to cover his eyes as he shouted at Hyunjin, his ears and cheeks a furious red.

"Hyunjin! Wear some clothes!"

Hyunjin only chuckled, moving closer to the flustered younger. He was wearing only a towel around his lower region and his upper body was exposed.

"Oh come on-"JUST GO!" Felix said, not removing his hands of his eyes.

Hyunjin hid his laughter for some other time as he ran into the bedroom and put on some decent clothes and came back into the kitchen after.

Felix looked at the broken pieces of ceramic on the floor, sighing as he grabbed a broom to clean it up. 

He was putting the last pieces of ceramic into the dustbin when Hyunjin seated himself and began to eat his own breakfast. Felix shook his head in disbelief, grabbing his own toast and taking a few bites of it. 

"So, do you want me to show you to your new class?" Hyunjin asked, after depositing his plate in the sink.

Felix shook his head, grabbing his backpack and other few stuff and packing them in.

"Minho- hyung already showed me the class I would be in, but..."Felix trailed off looking at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin looked up from his phone, waiting for Felix to finish packing.


"But, there is a fair chance we are in the same class." Felix completed, grabbing his papers he had received from the day he had arrived here.

"Which teacher you have?" Hyunjin asked, grabbing his own backpack and opening the door.

"Momo-ssi." Felix answered, putting on his shoes and heading out of the dorm-room.

"Main class?" Hyunjin questioned next, putting on his own shoes and locking the room after Felix had come out.


"Same class." Hyunjin concluded, getting inside the elevator.

Felix looked at his papers and then at Hyunjin, sighing after.

"Hyung was right. I do have tough luck."


"Alright, everyone. I hope everyone remembers that we get a new transfer each year, Right? Well, for this year, We have our new transfer from Australia, Felix-ssi, Please introduce yourself." The black-haired woman kindly said, gesturing Felix forward

"Hello everyone, I'm Lee Felix Yongbok. I hope we have a good year together." Felix says, bowing. 

The class just sat on the floor or on the plastic chairs that had been scattered around, some smiling, some minding their own business and in the midst of it all, sat Hyunjin staring at Felix.

Felix puts his backpack to the side and decides to sit on the floor, and looks for an empty spot. Hyunjin pulls him on the floor, next to him, giving a soft smile before going back to listening to the teacher. 

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