Chapter 5

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Hyunjin sat on the kitchen counter, lazily picking at his food that Felix had made. Don't get him wrong, he loved the meals that Felix made, but he was still wondering about what Felix was hiding earlier.

I was sure he swallowed something else with those pills.

And last night, he was burning up, and his scent was particularly strong.

If Hyunjin thought longer, he would've have been able to connect the pieces, but Felix interrupted the older, walking into the kitchen and grabbing his keys that were on the counter.

"Where are you off to?" Hyunjin asked, finally putting a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"A friend of mine asked to accompany him to the auditorium today morning." Felix stated, not bothering with the details.

"That's funny. Cause another friend of mine asked me the same thing." Hyunjin said, his chin resting on the counter.

"I suspect we have the same friend." Felix mused, putting on his shoes.

Hyunjin looked at Felix, as if the latter was speaking another language.

"That's very unlikely, there's like a thousand students in this campus-"Minho-hyung, right?" Felix interrupted, opening the door.

"Yes, him. As I was saying- Wait, you know Hyung?" Hyunjin asked, shocked.

"Yeah, and that same hyung is waiting for me downstairs, So I shall take your leave now. Bye~" The younger said, grinning as he closed the door.

Hyunjin got off his seat, running towards the door and opening it, looking for Felix. He sighed when he realized the younger had already got on the elevator and left. There wasn't going to be any traffic, he realized; It's way too early for the students to be up and about.


Felix and Minho were walking through the Auditorium, as Minho made rough drawings of each of the stage parts.

"Hyung, Why are you doing this?" Felix asked, getting bored. He had agreed to come here just to get away from Hyunjin, and at the moment, it seemed the second option didn't sound so bad.

"I need to get the rough idea of what the auditorium looks like, the full place. I'm in-charge of decorating the place for this year's new year recital. The new transferees and some of last year's students will be put together to dance, as part of learning and collaborating." Minho explained, as if he had learned the thing by-heart.

"Does that mean I might get a chance to participate?" Felix asked, following the older boy to the back stage.

"I mean...There is a fair chance. You have been sorted into one of the best teacher's classes, and you were in Mina-ssi's class in Australia, and have previous knowledge of ballet and stuff. So, You've definetly got potential and a really good chance you will be selected." Minho said, glancing at Felix once. He smiled when he saw the excited glint in the younger boy's eyes.

Minho was jotting down some measurements when the back-stage door opened and another boy ran in. 

"Hyung!" The boy said, running towards Minho and pecking Minho on the cheek.

Minho smiled, giving a small peck on the other boy's lips and turning to Felix, who was just standing there like a statue.

"Felix, This is my boyfriend, Han Jisung. Sungie, Meet Felix- He's a new transfer." Minho introduced, leaving them be and going back to the measurements.

Jisung shook hands with Felix with a smile.

"Hello! Minnie told me a lot about you, I couldn't wait to meet you in person." Jisung said, with a bright smile. Felix noticed how much he resembled a squirrel, with puffy cheeks and the front teeth looked so much like one too.

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