2 || Resolving

416 21 24

The next time I wake up from an unusual long and deep sleep, it is not beige that I see, but a white, brightly illuminated ceiling and three foreign painted children's faces. With a few blinks, my eyes finally adjust, just to register the wall behind them is not white after all, but a very light tone of orange, almost sand colored. The bed is not as soft and gentle as the last time, neither. I do not complain, though; since I joined the army, the ground is as much a comfort to my soul as a silky-covered mattress, and I would even prefer the former. They got it right when I once talked about it with Steve and Sam; it is like sinking into a marshmallow, entirely consumed by gentle material, embraced and imprisoned all the same, getting way too much on my sensitive nerves.

There are some high-pitched giggles when I rise, and the shock of the lack of a second arm floods my veins one more time, just much more careful, not all too intense as it first has been when Tony executed it. Lowering my glance, I find my clothing changed; something long and red, almost like linen with a belt, and a cape-like, blue cloth wrapped around my right shoulder and covering the wires and broken metal of the arm separated from my body. 

Somewhat confused about my whereabouts, I lift myself from the ground. There is no pounding in my head this time, no sore body to wake up to like I had so often. No, it all is functioning just as it should be. 

Carefully stepping outside the small hut made of something like clay with a roof of big brown branches, I am greeted by the rising sun first, before my eyes rest on a wide, not utterly clear lake surrounded by huge trees, mountains in its back. I wear something like a dress I now realize, when I walk towards the dark-skinned woman surrounded by the kids in between other small houses alike the one I woke up in. A fresh breeze sends the tropical climate into my face, and for once, I am happy about the super soldier serum letting me adjust to cold as well as to a damp warmth rather quickly. 

The children step aside, and when I find a place next to Shuri, a wave of thankfulness crashes me. Yes, I may have been against it in the first place, maybe even while the process for it being way too early, for me having to do something much more important, but in the end, she still saved my life. Still gave me the chance to continue wandering around this planet. Her heavy accent is fitting to the unusual kind of beauty that inhabits her when she greets me. »Good morning, Sargeant Barnes.«

It has been a while since someone – formally – introduced a conversation with my title. Something in the back of my conscience twitches at it, relishes in the knowledge of my still-counting status. But nonetheless, this woman has been the major part of my rescue, and she definitely should not have to talk to me that officially. Especially, not since she is the princess of the country we are standing in. »Bucky.« I correct therefore, nodding slightly before squeezing my eyes a little, the sun suddenly much brighter than expected.

»How are you feeling?« she asks back, leaving me unaware of her acceptance of the more personal form of address.

It is no lie that I answer. Physically, I actually feel that way. No pain in my head, no fear that subliminally creeped up inside about the possibility of dying every second that I walk. And I will do one hell and show anything but grace. »Good.« The small smile leaves my face; I want her to know how serious I am. I have always tried to treat her like everyone else, no matter about my mood, but there is no version of this world she has not gotten what I would rather do, where I would rather be. And I do not want that to influence her opinion on my honesty. »Thank you.«

She smiles at this, and there is the tiniest bit of hope she is not mad at me for the scene I caused. Walking pass me, her gentle hand taps my right arm, my glance trying to capture the horizon. To find something in the horizon. »Come. There is much more for you to learn.«

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now