6 || Surnames

376 18 47

»What do you think you were doing?« Steele yells at me even before he has a sight of me, his angry footsteps ricocheting from the walls I am lead through.

When he turns around the corner, he looks like someone just ate his last and favorite donut right in front of his eyes. Schmidt follows him suit, quieter and more professional.

Cocking an eyebrow at them, I do not even think of stopping from my walk to my cell. I am not tied, barely was when walking through any facility of Hydra's, because they know I would not run off. Nonetheless, there are always four men building my personal escort, although it should be very clear if I wanted to, they would be dead in seconds. Especially with the training Hydra has me under; as bad as they are and the purpose for it is, they help me focus, train me with the handling of my powers so I become stronger.

Would become a lot stronger if they had not decided to reduce my food. »The order was to get the plans and burn the house down. Not specifically murdering someone.«

No one answers me on that; they all know, technically, I am right. Of course, I knew they wanted me to kill whoever the apartment owned that I crashed, not caring about civil victims. But as long as they do not tell me exactly what I should do, that I should do it, I will always sneak my way around it.

»You destroyed property belonging to Hydra.« Steele spits spilling the details, a little calmer than before, but probably only because he cannot risk a conflict with so many people around, and especially not with Schmidt walking right next to him.

»I gave you numerous pounds of gold before to make up for it.« I answer in pure monotony, not once sharing a glance with Steele. I am sick of him. Sick of it all. 

»Okay, let me put it differently.« Steele starts a few seconds later, and before I know it, the hard concrete wall hits my back. Not that it hurt or would do any other harm, but it is uncomfortable nonetheless given that Steele stands right in my front, his demon eyes staring into mine like he could set me on fire with just his glare.

Shoulders heaving, he supports himself left and right from my head, and I cannot help it but back up, getting as much distance between us as possible. Not out of fear, but out of disgust. One of his hands, his right one, lifts, the rough skin soon on my smooth cheek. The connection with his icy skin gives me chills, a cold shiver running down my spine and meanwhile reminding me of someone else. Of someone else who is the only person having the right to touch me, because I gave it to him. »You think you're so clever and so unbeatable, Nova. Not even memory loss getting you down from your high horse. But you're not unbreakable and if I have to drag your precious James in here and torture him in front of your eyes, you will bend to my will.«

Inhaling deeply, I swallow my bloodlust down with it and blink slowly, hoping I have enough will power left to not burn his heart out. »I said«, I start coldly, as coldly as I dare. The entire movement in the small corridor has gotten quiet as soon as Steele neared me, almost like I actually froze them, and by now, I am sure the usual human would hear the beat of a fly's wings. »Do not touch me.« I end, and a faint nostalgy creeps up with my next movement; with all the power I own at once, Steele receives a kick in his gut strong enough that it catapults him the three meters across the path into the opposite wall. He crashes against it dropping like a sack of Snow White's poisonous apples, something in his torso having cracked as soon as it connected with the wall. The impact had echoed through numerous corridors, and one or the other soldier of Hydra's gulped with the sight of my strength. Meaning, they know of Steele's. 

Parts of the wall crumble down with Steele's body, and from the sound of the location of the crack, I think I broke his two upper rips. I hear people approach from the cross we were heading to, but I do not care in the least. I just take the moment of utter shock to continue, although I realize that something else comes with the by the noise summoned soldiers. It feels like Steele, somehow, and yet, completely different. Like me, but in another way like me than Steele. It is hard to describe, but maybe, it is like having a pine and an apple, knowing both are fruits and from the same category, yet so completely various. Still, I do not care.

Secretive - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now