24 || The Brightest Sun

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»Where the fuck did you dig that idea out?« I ask, cocking one brow at the brunette in my direct front. Admittedly, his presence isn't really helping in the entire process of creating a world-saving-plan; his sweet-spicy scent lingering about, in waves shooting up into my nose isn't the only thing that undoes me. It's the pheromones spreading out of him like a fountain, settling in his clothes the same way as they do in my nervous system, activating it, arousing me.

It's like the atoms in my body shake more than usual, and more than they should. I feel alight, ignited just by him merely sitting there and looking handsome; we don't even do anything. We simply sit around and started to brainstorm, and it's like my mind and soul want to sneak into the back door of his, crawl in and throw the key away as far as possible. Or, let his crawl into mine, in that case.

»I maybe read all through Percy Jackson after you mentioned that Greek-stuff.« he responds almost a little embarrassed, cheeks tinting in a slight shade of scarlet as his huge, pale hand scratches the back of his neck. Almost has me drooling, as does his voice. This fucking man.

James shifts on the table, balancing his weight from left to right, but something tells me it isn't really about him being nervous. »And Percy Jackson taught you that we could find the entrance to that underground boat, pay with some ancient coins and let the half-dead sailor carry us through grounds of tortured souls into the palace of Persephone and Hades?«

He squeezes his eyes in challenge, crystal-blue framed by long, full chestnut lashes. »Do you know for sure that's not how it works?«

»I know at least that Zeus is the same asshole he is portrayed as in the movies.« Sighing, I rest my head on his thighs again, forehead on his steel-like muscles. »I don't even know who to ask.«

»And what if you just like... allied yourself with Hades? I mean, he wants to rule the Olymp after all. If you did that, you could use him to win against the others and then just ban him back into his hole.«

»'You see the world in these pink glasses with all those beautiful butterflies always or did you take something? If yes, I hope you have some left for me.« I ask, now starting to question his sanity. Not that it would make a difference. Normal or crazy, I'd always want him.

That thought was a little scary. Always is such a big word suddenly.

»Sorry to make proposals, Miss Guilty-And-Not-Helping-To-Find-A-Solution

»Wow, we got moody pretty quick.« I scoff, pushing my hands under my head and resting my chin on them, looking up to James. »Something ticking you off?«

And that's when my consciousness snaps fully with this undefinable look of him, this stare that doesn't let me read his mind as easily, that makes my fingers twitch in nervosity, usually, but stop just before they get a life of their own because I'm able to maintain control.

Not now. As I'm not really paying attention to boundaries, for whatever reason hitting on him since the second he walked in, I let my hands move along the sides of his thighs, slowly. Let my skin taste every inch on the way; every covered inch, sadly.
I leisurely get to the target, tips drawing fine lines on his torso, just the bit above the belt on his black jeans. His icy stare still rests on me, not on my eyes anymore but my fingers that let his muscles underneath them work like magic, them contracting all along the way. Letting my thumbs dip into his pants, letting them take in the hot of his skin just above his V-line, I almost miss his Adam's apple bopping up and down once. »Something making you... impatient?«

I know James. Like the back of my hand. Even his cold stare doesn't leave a single cell in my body cold anymore.

He's on the edge just as I am. I mean, come on. »I stole your last name, darling. Trust that I know when you're lacking... something. I don't need no bond nor your thoughts to tell me.«

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