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[Dream XD x Male Reader]

-Major character injury

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
  All he knew was that he was running.
  Running from the people after him, coming for his head over a mistake that someone else had made. 'He just had to blame me, didn't he?! Fucking George!' He thought as tears raced down his cheeks. He held his arm tight to try and slow the bleeding as he ran. (M/n) heard an arrow whizz past his ear as he ran for the prime church, his only sanctuary from the mob of players following.
  The ground practically shook from Dream's enraged call, making him stumble, he knew he was fucked. But all he could do was run. He tasted the saltiness of tears, his fear coursing through his veins. He could just see the church a few more paces away. "Don't let that bastard get to the church!" He nearly tripped over a root sticking up in the ground. "Please, just a bit more." He cried, pushing himself to move faster.
  He nearly collapsed in relief as he charged through the church doors, slamming them shut and locking them. He backed away when he saw the glow of torches outside. He was exhausted but the adrenaline pumped through him so he could do nothing but stay alert. He held his breath as he saw movement outside, flinching when someone kicked the door. "Oooooh (M/n).." Dream cooed as he stood outside, making the other quiver like a leaf. "Dream please, I didn't do anything!" He cried, a sob trying to rip from him as he watched the building slowly become surrounded. "That's the thing (M/n), I just don't believe you."
  (M/n) finally let out a sob as he slowly accepted his fate, moving to the podium of the church, kneeling to utter out one final prayer to the only being that would believe him. He shut his eyes tight as he clasped his hands together, hard enough that his nails dug into his knuckles making blood drip down.

Hear me...
Can you hear me....
I am calling out to you for the last time!

  "XD, please, you know I didn't do this.." He cried quietly, shaking as another kick came to the door. He opened his eyes, glossed with tears as he looked up to the ceiling, wanting nothing more than for the god to hear him, to answer him. He cried out when an arrow came through one of the windows, nearly hitting his ankle if he hadn't jumped away into time. He quickly to take cover behind some benches, his eyes wide as he saw Punz through the window on the hill just outside. The blonde had a cold look in his blue eyes, as if he didn't care about what was to come for the other.
  (M/n) curled up in a ball, clutching the gash on his arm as he listened to someone ram into the door. He was almost grateful for how long it's been holding. Almost. He tried calling out to the god again, slowly loosing hope as he saw the wood splinter.

Hear me!
Can you hear me?!
I am begging YOU for the LAST time!

  The door finally gave way as Dream and Sapnap rushed in, fully prepared to take his last life. But they froze when a sudden light flashed before the man as he curled further into himself on the floor. There Dream XD floated, in all his god like glory, glaring down at the mortals below him. "Who dares harm my mortal?" He called, his voice echoing throughout the church. Sapnap stood stock still in fear as Dream threw off his mask in anger, glaring up at the God before him. "He almost burned George's house with him inside! That," he looks behind XD and into (M/n) tear filled eyes. "Pest, has to be punished."
  XD tilted his head as his arm jerked forward, grabbing the mortal by the throat and raising him ti'll they were eye level. "Oh? And did you not think of hearing his side or were you too filled with rage to even think that it was perhaps someone else. Did someone tell you that my mortal did what's he has been accused?" He questioned, the anger slowly becoming more evident with each word. The tilt in his head made Dream flinch, the sandy blonde looked confused and scared all the same. He grabbed XD by the wrist as a small bit of courage came back. "George himself told me." He rasped, noticing the sudden flicker in XD's light. "He lied to you, you BAFOON!" XD shouted as he threw his mortal counterpart to the floor. "He lied and you believed that snake." He growled, turning to bend down before the quivering mortal he fell for. "Oh, (M/n).." He gently said, picking up the wounded man who sobbed into the gods robs. "I tried to tell them XD, I really tried!" He sobbed, feeling a light kiss on the top of his head and soft shushing. "It's alright now my darling, none of these," he turned to Sapnap, who looked just about ready to pass out, and Dream who lay unconscious on the church floor. "Rodents, will harm you any further. You are under the gods protection." He said, looking back at his mortal who nodded.
(M/n) didn't even look back at his friends, or now... 'We're no longer friends now, not after this..' He clutched onto XD's robs as the teleported away.

  (M/n) never returned to the Esempi after that, now living in a small cottage just outside the border of Las Nevadas. Quackity and Karl would sometimes visit, but never anyone else. Karl and Quackity would try and tell him how sorry Sapnap was, how the ravennette wanted to apologize, but he would only brush them off with a sad smile and speaking one simple question. "If he was sorry, he would tell me himself, now wouldn't he?"
  XD would always visit once he was free from his godly duties, resting out in the gardens with his mortal. And they both lived in piece, until the end of (M/n)'s mortal life.

This one was fun to write, and if you listened to the song then I'll give you a fun fact!
It's one of my favorites that I've ever listened too!
I hope you enjoyed this one shot, and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
And as always, Ill be seeing you in the next one!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This one was fun to write, and if you listened to the song then I'll give you a fun fact!It's one of my favorites that I've ever listened too!I hope you enjoyed this one shot, and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night...

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Next: Foolish

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