Chapter 3: Sabito and Makamo

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      I heard talking around me as I cracked my eyes open and tried to sit up only for a gentle hand to be placed on my shoulder stopping me from moving too much.
      "Your awake Hikaru'' said a voice and I looked to see Tanjiro looking at me with an aura of gratefulness making me push his hand off my shoulder as I sat up hissing as the stitches on my chest pulled.
      "Giyu did not inform me that you had been injured this much" Urokodaki said and I saw that he was stirring a pot of what I guessed was a stew.
      "They are just wounds, they will heal given time" I said looking at the bandages.
      "You ripped some of the stitches out but Urokodaki-san sewed you back up again....I couldn't bring myself to do it, not again" Tanjiro whispered, flooded with grief, sadness, pity and a bit of anger.
      "Baka" I said, chopping his head with a scowl.
      "I have told you that even if you were there, there was nothing that you would have been able to do. It was a miracle me and Nezuko managed to survive so I am glad that you weren't there because if you were we all would have died" I scowled him before turning to Urokodaki.
      "Thank you for seeing to my wounds and giving me a place to rest, I will find a way to repay your kindness in some way" I said bowing my head slightly.
      "Just rest up, even if you are wounded I will not make it easy for you while you are training" Urokodaki said, I guess while I was passed out he had decided to take us both on as students of his.
      "I would never get stronger if you took it easy on me therefore I would prefer it if you didn't" I stated before we were handed bowls of stew that was rather good.

      "Let's go" Urokodaki said after we had finished eating and I had dressed again since they had to take my shirt off so that they could get to my wounds. Nezuko was still asleep and would probably be asleep for a long time to come if her aura was anything to go by.
      "Hey Urokodaki-sensei, can you tell me who is actually in charge of the demon slayer's?" I asked as we continued to walk up the mountain. I wanted to get a bit more background information about the organization that we were joining up with.
      "The Demon Slayer Corps has around several hundred members. It's an organization unrecognized by the government, yet it's existed since ancient times and we continue to hunt demon today. But as for who's leading the Demon Slayer Corps, that remains a mystery" Urokodaki answered.
      "Demons.... their food is humans. They kill humans and feed on them. No one knows when and where they first appeared. Their physical prowess is remarkable, wounds heal in the blink of an eye. Flesh is restored after being cut off and limbs can be newly regenerated with ease. Some demons can shape-shift, others have otherworldly powers. They can only be killed by sunlight or by decapitation with a special sword. The Demon Slayers battle the demons with their own mortal bodies. Since they're human, their wounds are slow to heal, and once lost their limbs don't grow back. Even so they battle the demons to protect other humans. If you continue you will be expected to do the same'' Urokodaki lectured and I couldn't help but be a little in awe of him.
      "Does that mean you kill demons as well?" Tanjiro asked politely.
      "I am a trainer. I literally train swordsmen. There are many trainers and each of them trains their pupils with their own regimen in their location. To join the Demon Slayer Corps, you both must survive the Final selection process held on Mt Fujikasane. Whether or not you're eligible for Final Selection is up to me" Urokodaki told us before he gestured for me to continue to follow him while Tanjiro was to go down the mountain from where we left him. Once more I was left in the mountains by myself and I had to make my way back down the mountain which I did though I busted my stitches open once again.

      Each day, Tanjiro and I were led into the mountains and told to make it back down again which was getting easier each time that I did it. I couldn't explain it so that anyone else would understand it but it was like the traps had an aura themselves except it was the aura that Urokodaki had left behind. Because of this and my eyesight I was getting better and better at either avoiding the traps or dodging them though most of the days I returned covered in blood from ripping out stitches but I didn't care. I had to get stronger so that I could protect Nezuko and Tanjiro, I had to get stronger so that I could help turn Nezuko back into a human and I had to get stronger to stop that man that attacked us so that he wouldn't be able to disgrace anyone else like I had been. Even though I said I wanted to get stronger the traps were getting harder and harder, now instead of rocks being thrown it was knives being thrown, instead of empty pitfalls there were blades in them now, it was like Urokodaki really wanted to kill us.

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