Chapter 60: Muichiro's sacrifice

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Hikaru's POV

Since Genya had intergested my blood I warned him not to eat any demon's because I wasn't sure how they would react to each other. Instead I had given him a few more vials of my blood that he could drink to get a power boost though he should only take them if he needed to.
"You two wait here and recover some more strength before coming to assist us when you are ready, I am going to go ahead and help Himejima and Sanemi" I said and they nodded.
"Make sure that you take care of yourself," Muichiro said.
"Don't get hurt," Genya said.
"I can't promise not to get hurt since I am going into battle but I am not about to throw my life away" I said before I reached up and took my mask off, putting it on Genya's face.
"Take care of that for me? It is really precious to me and something tells me that if I take it into  this fight it will get broken once again" I said as I took my box off. I then drew both of my swords and started to walk before I broke into a sprint. From the auras that I could see, the two Hashira had reached new heights for their strength but I could tell that the demon was still holding back. I could only hope that I could get there in time to help them without being in the way.

'I see, perhaps these two are highly skilled even among the Hashira. Especially this one, despite being blind he is a swordsman with an outstanding physique. This weapon is well thought out, from the echoes of the swinging chain he has an extremely accurate grasp of space and movement around him' Michikatsu thought as he dodged the attacks that Sanemi and Himejima were throwing towards him.
'It's hard to believe but it is an indisputable fact so first, I must destroy his weapon' Michikatsu continued to plan as he targeted Sanemi. Their swords clashed together with Sanemi's sword being sideways while Michikatsu's blade was touching the side.
'Blades break easily when struck from the side' Michikatsu thought. Sanemi wasn't about to let his sword be broken so he twisted his wrist quickly and used his strength to slam Michikatsu's sword into the ground, causing it to break apart.
'He turned the blade on edge to repel my attack, his reflexes are getting faster' Michikatsu thought. Sanemi slashed at him making Michikatsu jump backwards but he quickly had to dodge again as the ball of Himejima's weapon slammed into the ground where Michikatsu was dodging to. This let Sanemi's attack reach him and cut off more of his hair.
'Even after manifesting the mark and suffering a fatal wound that would normally have taken him out of the fight he's becoming faster and more accurate' Michikatsu thought as he and Sanemi ran side by side, watching each other for openings. This allowed Himejima to get close to Michikatsu, his hand wielding his axe swung upwards. Michikatsu dodged to the side but that didn't stop all of the damage seeing as his ear got cut off.
"Dust whirlwind cutter" Sanemi unleashed an attack between the other two before Michikatsu had the chance to attack Himejima.
"Wind breathing, seventh form" Sanemi said, they weren't letting up in their attacks.
"Stone breathing, first form," Himejima said.
"Gale sudden gusts!" Sanemi finished jumping and twirling mid air as he unleashed gusts of wind that boosted Himejima's attack.
"Serpentinite bipolar" Himejima finished as he threw both his axe and ball, using the chains and Sanemi's winds to attack Michikatsu. Michikatsu's hair had already  been freed of its pony tail but it was even more crazy now and while he had blocked the attack his shirt had been ripped to shreds as Sanemi and Himejima both got behind him.
"Not yet! Press him! Until we take his head! His head!" Sanemi yelled, he was crouched down while Himejima looked like he was ready to rush back in for another attack.
"Yes, that's right," Michikatsu said as he unleashed an attack that kicked up a lot of dust and cut Sanemi and Himejima in several places.
'Impossible! What did he do to us? Hit us with an attack at this range? But it wasn't as strong as before? What did he do? What...' Himejima thought before his thoughts went silent. Michikatsu was turned to them as the dust started to clear out and this time his blade had changed.
"You merely shredded my kimono," Michikatsu started. His sword hilt now had eyes on it along with eyes all over the blade that had changed. There were now three different spikes coming for the blade making it a weapon made to shred and it was now insanely long.
"Not even enough to kill an infant, once I dispatch you two....The rest will proceed easily" Michikatsu finished.
"That sounds just like you Michikatsu, I wouldn't write us off that easily. Us humans aren't that easy to destroy" I said as the dust cleared and I was standing in front of Sanemi and Himejima. I had a cut on my shoulder and my hip but other then that I had stopped most of the attacks, I wasn't fast enough to stop all of them from getting threw.
"Sorry I am late but don't worry now that I am here I will do my best to help out" I promised and I saw Michikatsu take a few steps back, all six of his eyes were wide in what his aura showed was shock.

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